Hi :)

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, I am a type 2 diabetic for the past 28 years. It started with gestational diabetes which vanished after my first child. It came back with the second and it's still here. I have been on various medications over the years but now on Metformin, Empagloflozin, Lantus and Trizepatide (hope I've spelled those correctly). I'm also now wearing a CGM sensor which I am paying for - £100 ish per month.
Welcome to the forum @ToniMc

How are you finding the combination of meds? Have you got a menu sorted that helps keep your weight where you want it, and balances with your meds?

As you are on Lantus, presumably your GP is prescribing your a BG meter and strips so that you can watch out for hypos?

Was there a reason you were drawn to CGM rather than more frequent fingerpricking? You can get a lot of checks a day for the cost of a sensor!
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