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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi my name is Pauline and I have recently been diagnosed with type 2 My head is spinning with it all lol
hi my name is Pauline and I have recently been diagnosed with type 2 My head is spinning with it all lol
Welcome to the forum.
Would you like to say a bit about the circumstances of your diagnosis, were you told what your HbA1C is as that will determine how much work you need to do and have you been prescribed any medication as that may influence what dietary approach may be suitable.
Take some time to read around the forum as there is lots of information some of which will be appropriate as everybody manages their condition differently. This link would be a good start as the explanation is very helpful and there are some meal plans which may suit you or just making up your own following the principals of low carb described. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Some people find a low calorie approach suits them it all depends. Hard to combine both, too much to think about.
Welcome to the forum.
Would you like to say a bit about the circumstances of your diagnosis, were you told what your HbA1C is as that will determine how much work you need to do and have you been prescribed any medication as that may influence what dietary approach may be suitable.
Take some time to read around the forum as there is lots of information some of which will be appropriate as everybody manages their condition differently. This link would be a good start as the explanation is very helpful and there are some meal plans which may suit you or just making up your own following the principals of low carb described. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Some people find a low calorie approach suits them it all depends. Hard to combine both, too much to think about.
Thanks for the reply my HbA1c is 49 I have not been prescribed medication as I am led to believe I can control it with diet and hopefully put it into remission. I have done slimming world before and am doing it again on my own but I’m getting confused with carbs and carbs that turn to sugar. I don’t know what is a low amount of carbs to sugar.
Thanks for the reply my HbA1c is 49 I have not been prescribed medication as I am led to believe I can control it with diet and hopefully put it into remission. I have done slimming world before and am doing it again on my own but I’m getting confused with carbs and carbs that turn to sugar. I don’t know what is a low amount of carbs to sugar.
Ignore the 'sugar' and just look at the total carbs. The book or app Carbs and Cals is very helpful in giving carb values of various portions of a variety of foods. Do look at the link I posted as there is good explanation, it is no good just repeating that.
Slimming world can be helpful but the meals unless you choose carefully may be too high carb as from what I have seen they so include rice, pasta. potatoes which are high carb foods but with some substitution some may be OK.
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Welcome to the forum @Poe

At 49mmol/mol you are on one of the lower rungs of the diabetes scale (if there is such a thing), so you may find that some fairly modest changes to your menu and ‘way of eating’ will help a lot.

Most T2s here rely on the total carbohydrate figure rather than ‘of which sugars’.

Someone describes the difference as starch being “several sugar molecules holding hands”, and the body is pretty capable of splitting those down relatively quickly, so the differences between the speed of absorption of ‘starch’ vs ‘sugars’ may not be as different as you might expect.

Where the amount of sugar seems to have the biggest impact is where it adds extra (unnecessary) carbohydrates on top of those which are already there. But the total carbohydrate amount will show this, so choosing the lower total carbohydrate option between 2 items will do the job 🙂
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Thanks for the reply it’s such a lot to get your head round but I will get there
Thanks for the reply my HbA1c is 49 I have not been prescribed medication as I am led to believe I can control it with diet and hopefully put it into remission. I have done slimming world before and am doing it again on my own but I’m getting confused with carbs and carbs that turn to sugar. I don’t know what is a low amount of carbs to sugar.
Have a look at David Unwin's diet sheet and this article: What should we eat?
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