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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I'm Annie and was dx with diabetes 2 years ago. I cut carbs down and my numbers were dropping nicely. 18 months ago My hubby was knocked off his motorbike (she 'didn't see him') and spent 3 months in hospital, a lot of it in a critical condition. My efforts at getting a grip with diabetes went out of the window. A month ago, my Dr made me an apopointment with the new diabetes nurse and so now I'm ready to get it into remission. I couldn't take metformin as it really upset my stomach. She's put me on Empagliflozin and thankfully I haven't had any side effects.

I need to lose a lot of weight so I'm trying to eat healthily to keep my blood sugars down but still lose weight. It's really confusing for me at the moment but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. I've got a yo yo dieters mentality so trying to eat healthily without having a 'diet plan' for guidelines is really odd at the moment. I'm sure I'll get there.

Anyway, hi. I hope to get to know some of you better in the near future. I might be asking loads of questions
This link has some good principals for managing to reduce blood glucose and has been found successful for many in losing weight.
There are some meal ideas and plans for a low carb approach.
Dietary changes are needed even with the medication you are taking but make sure you drink plenty so you don't become dehydrated as it encourages the kidneys to excrete excess glucose via urine. Also watch out for UTIs and thrush.
Making the needed changes has to be sustainable long term so has to be enjoyable and really need to be not so much a diet but a new way of eating.

I hope your husband is on the road to recovery.
Welcome to the forum @AnnieMc

Goodness what a lot you’ve been going through! No wonder your diabetes management efforts had to take a back-seat for a while!

Hope your husband is well on the road to recovery now.

Good luck with your weight loss efforts! The meal plan page that @Inka suggested has some different calorie-restricted options, plus some ideas on low carb (130g per day) meals.

As you say it can be helpful to think of shifting to a new ‘way of eating’ rather than a short-term diet, that you’ll then abandon later on. Finding an approach that you can sustain long-term should help protect you from gaining any weight loss back.

Let us know how you get on, and keep firing away with any questions as they arise 🙂
I have found that low carb is what suits me.
If I stick to under 40 gm of carbs a day then I do not need medication and I am shrinking down a little year by year.
I only eat twice a day as that is all I need.
There are some good stir fry packs, both fresh and frozen which are quite tasty, also I get swede, which I put in the pressure cooker then mash or fry, and there are lots of low carb veges, also salad stuff and berries either fresh or frozen. I used to eat two proper meals each day but these days I often can't be bothered and so I have three eggs, maybe a bit of cheese and coffee with cream for breakfast. I try and have some plants - a tomato or some beetroot, but I often have to throw out part of the pack so I don't always bother buying it.
I do find that I can exist of quite small amounts of food, but it is all quite sustaining, so it seems to balance out in the end.
I eat red meat and saturated fats with gay abandon, and seem to be thriving on it.
The only downside is needing smaller clothes at least once a year. Even my feet have shrunk.
I could not tolerate Metformin either, but the low carb has sorted out the diabetes for me.
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