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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I've just joined up, I'm a 27 year old type 1 diabetic, only diagnosed last October!

I seem to be doing ok with my blood sugars, tend to be high if anything. I do seem to find that I am constantly hungry though....am getting married next year so trying to be good but just can't stop eating...any tips?

Also, my sister happens to be pregnant at the moment and we were thinking of storing her placenta to hopefully use the stem cells for me at a later date....does anyone now anything about this subject or where I can look for info? 🙂

Hi BettyBoo, welcome to the forum🙂 I've heard that insulin can make you hungry. Although we Type 1s can cover food with insulin and therefore eat pretty much what we want it can also have the effect of increasing our appetite. I've found that by being a bit more careful with the carbs in my meals (although I still eat plenty!), I've reduced my insulin requirements slightly and get less hungry. Try replacing some of the carbs with protein foods (lean meat etc.) and filling up on vegetables and see if it helps to reduce the hunger pangs. I also snack on peanuts as a few of these seem to be enough to curb my appetite.

Ah! Just realised that you are fairly newly diagnosed. I was abslutely ravenous for the first two or three months after diagnosis (May 2008), but it did start to become more normal after that - I think it's quite common in the early stages, especially if you lost weight beforehand.

Can't answer the stem cell question, but I know someone on here posted something about a company that stores children's teeth for their stem cells, so I'll have a look around for that and post the link for you.🙂

Here's the link. This involved baby teeth, so not sure about storing placenta.

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Thanks Northerner, Quick response!

Good tips with the hunger.....it's been over a year so could possible be the mountains of carbs that I insist on eating!

Yep any tips would be handy - is proving hard to find any info at all!
Hi BettyBoo and welcome.

It's strange that everyone seems to say that insulin makes you feel more hungry and therefore you have to be careful of putting on too much weight.

I recently started on insulin just over 4 weeks now and I haven't felt any different in fact if anything my apetite has diminished! Has anyone else found that or am I just strange!
Hi Betty Boo
Re genetics and placenta - definitely worth speaking with your diabetes team about this doe definitive advice. Assuming you both have the same two parents, your sister shares approx 1/4 of her genetic material with you. I'm not sure if that's close enough to make it worth saving her placenta. Her baby's cord blood will share even less genetic material with you, due to baby's dad's input. For something so important, I wouldn't rely on the internet, at least not just publically available material, as you probably need the latest peer reviewed papers, interpretted in consultation wit hyour team who know your full medical history. Hope you get the help you need to make the right decision.
Re hunger / weight - as Northerner says, it depends on whether / how much weight you lost in time immediately before diagnosis. If hungry, but not needing carbohydrate or calories, then you can eat / drink other things eg carrots, cucumber, water etc. But if you need carbohydrate to regulate blood sugar (although best to match insulin to food, rather than food to insulin), then best stick to low fat foods. This is much easier if you're on basal bolus regime (long acting insulin once or twice per day, plus short acting with meals) than with older bimodal regime (2 injections per day, committing you to eating fixed amounts of carbohydrate at fixed times).
Thanks Copepod,

That's really useful, I'm not sure when I'm next due to see my nurse/consultant so maybe I'll give them a call to make an appointment.

I'm on levemir twich a day and Apidra with meals, i'm not doing DAFNE till next year but seem to have got the matching down well so will maybe just start snacking on low fat foods that don't contain carbs and see how I go.

Thanks for all the advice, can't believe I've only just found this site!!
hi there betty cant really add much to what has been said but wanted to welcome you to the site , it's inbelievable just how helpful this forum is hun , always some one about to answer any queries or be there for you when your down
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