Hi. Newbie with metformin questions

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I've been T2D since 2005, and I'm a 64yr old woman.
I've been on metformin since 2007 and gave never managed to control my glucose levels.
I've seen many doctors and diabetic nurses over the years who have increased my meds. I have ended up on 2 metformin, 2 gliclazide, 1 dapagliflozin, 1 rybelsus and 50 units of toujeo insulin daily.
Last year I started having digestion problems along with brain fog and a fear of leaving the house incase I had an accident. Christmas I started having severe constant abdominal pain. Due to previous breast cancer, I was terrified it was that again. Had ct scan which was all clear.
Doctor changed my metformin to slow release but it didn't help. Out of shear pain and frustration I stopped taking my metformin. It has improved my life completely. No more pain, brain fog or digestive problems. My glucose levels are lower than they have ever been, 5s to 7s.
Sorry its such a long post but I was hoping for your thoughts on this.
Good for you.
Recent research shows Metformin works by reducing the amount of food digested by acting on mitochondria cells.
No wonder digestive problems sometimes ensue!
What dietary programme are you following?
I'm eating a low carbon diet with plenty of fruit and veg, fish and chicken. I've always eaten this way. So I've not changed much. I'm not really up to date with the new(ish) ideas for diabetics.
You could also have a read of this link which is a low carb approach to reducing blood glucose, though with the medication you are taking you need to be cautious about going too low carb but it may give you some new ideas. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Welcome to the forum @jackiep59

Sorry to hear you struggled with digestive issues for so long :( Great to hear your brain fog has cleared too. 🙂

We have a few members that could never get on with metformin, even though it works well for the vast majority.

Are you still taking your other meds?

If you are inspired to make some further adjustments to your menu based on links that others are sharing, you may find that your medications might need adjusting, so do proceed cautiously and keep a close eye on your levels if you are changing your diet 🙂
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