Hi, Newbie on this forum and diabetes uk.

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I was diagnosed about 18 months ago then managed to get into the pre-diabetic group without medication. However, was tested about 5 weeks ago and my numbers have shot up. I'm taking Metformin but it is causing all sorts of problems. I have a t/c with the GP tonight to discuss this. Found this site very useful and look forward to using it regularly.
Welcome to the forum! There's plenty of good support here, so feel free to ask any questions. Someone will know the answer! 🙂

You did well to stay in pre-diabetic range for so long without medication. Hope your appointment went well.
Hello @AVA welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum Ava from a a fellow T2.
Hello @AVA and welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear that you are having issues with metformin, this happens to many people. Not sure how long you have been taking it but sometimes it all settles down after a couple of weeks. Good plan to talk to your GP about it though.
You did very well to get into the pre-diabetic range previously without meds.
What do you think may have changed for you since then that may have made your numbers go up again?
The good news is though that you know what worked for you before, or is there a change that happened that you can't effect?
I hope that the forum can be of some help, and we will do our best to give you some pointers if you can tell us a bit more about the situation.
Welcome to the forum @AVA

Glad you have found it useful to have a read around, and congratulations for ‘delurking’. 🙂

Ask away with any questions you have. Nothing question be regarded as too obvious or silly 🙂
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