Hi, new to this group. I’m suffering from diabetes distress & burnout. Any advise please?! Thanks

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Hi @Emma Harris Smith, welcome to the group ..
Diabetes distress refers to an emotional state where people experience feelings such as stress, guilt, or denial that arise from living with diabetes and the burden of self-management.

How long have you been diabetic , how well controlled is your diabetes, you mention depression are you currently receiving treatment for it in the form of tablets or other psychological therapies.
Diabetes distress is best treated in conjunction with health care professionals who will help to formulate an action plan to bring diabetic levels back in control and also provide support with the emotional toll diabetes can have
I can’t give advice on Diabetes T1 specifically as I have little knowledge of T1, but there are many here who can but you would need to give more information on your current control, eg recent HbA1c levels, and what diabetic meds you are currently taking. What problems you encounter on a daily basis etc
I would encourage you to liaise with your G.P if you haven’t already done so, was it your GP who told you that you have diabetes distress ..?, and what support/treatment did he/she recommend .
Also please read @Josh DUK post on the general message board entitled ‘Do you feel overwhelmed by diabetes. You’re not alone’.
Hope this helps,
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Hi, I’ve just been told I’ve diabetes distress, burnout & depression
Any advise on how to treat this?
Hi Emma, and welcome to the forum.

This is not an uncommon situation. Diabetes is hard work and it never stops. I too hit a wall a couple of years ago, when it all seemed to become too difficult to manage. It was a while before I sought help, and was encouraged to do so by others on here who understood what this is like. Have you talked to you GP, or you should also be able to self refer for talking therapies.

At the time I sought help there was a bit of a wait, so I found a counsellor. She knew nothing about Diabetes, which bothered me at first, but that helped as when I explained the day-to-day management she could see why this was such a pressure. I am aware that not everyone is able to self fund counselling so I documented my progress on here.

I have come out the other side, and value the support from others on here, who really do understand what we have to do each day. Have a look at the link and see if anything there helps.
Hi Emma, welcome. I’m sorry you’re having a difficult time.

Do you have family or friends who can support you with some practical help? Having someone else do meal prep, cooking, shopping, carb counting, being in charge of managing your repeat prescriptions, having someone else do your injections or help you to change your catheter site if you use a pump. You don’t have to manage all of that stuff alone even as an adult.

Your diabetes team may have a linked psychologist but if they don’t do keep them in the loop as to how you’re feeling as your nurse may be able to help with more appointments or other support.

How is your glucose management? Being out of target range a lot will make you feel worse as well as being demoralising. If you’re not already on a CGM or a pump your diabetes team may be able to help you with that for now if it makes managing easier.
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