Hi, new to the forum

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Jane Dow

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all
Been on a journey over the past 18 months. Lots of ups and downs
Now hoping to speak to likeminded people with type 2
Hello and welcome
You have come to the right place here. I think most of us learned more from the Forum than we ever did from rushed or non-existent appointments with our GP surgery.
Are you willing to share a little information about yourself? For example your initial and current HbA1c; any medications you are on, including those for other conditions; what exercise you do; if you are overweight or not; what you have been trying for the last 18 months since diagnosis. That way we can better answer any questions you might have.
I am 73, my latest HbA1c was 57 (from a high of 88), I follow a low carb eating plan, am obese (still) and do aquafit twice a week.
Welcome to the forum @Jane Dow

Glad you have found us!

We have centuries of lived diabetes experience on the forum and all sorts of people using a range of different strategies and approaches to try to live well with diabetes.

Ask away with any questions, or simply rant and let off steam about the frustrations you have found.
Hello and welcome
You have come to the right place here. I think most of us learned more from the Forum than we ever did from rushed or non-existent appointments with our GP surgery.
Are you willing to share a little information about yourself? For example your initial and current HbA1c; any medications you are on, including those for other conditions; what exercise you do; if you are overweight or not; what you have been trying for the last 18 months since diagnosis. That way we can better answer any questions you might have.
I am 73, my latest HbA1c was 57 (from a high of 88), I follow a low carb eating plan, am obese (still) and do aquafit twice a week.
Hi and thank you
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