Hi. New to Diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been pre diabetic for some years but have flipped over with achieving arterial hypertension and lung problems. So lots of fatigue and breathlessness and unable to exercise. But drugs are starting to work so now to address the weight.. and get below the diabetic notch..
I've been pre diabetic for some years but have flipped over with achieving arterial hypertension and lung problems. So lots of fatigue and breathlessness and unable to exercise. But drugs are starting to work so now to address the weight.. and get below the diabetic notch..

Hello @Elliwc ,

Weclome to the forum! I am so sorry to hear about your hypertension and lung problems. However, I am glad to hear that the medicine you were prescribed is doing its work. When were you diagnosed with diabetes?
About 4 weeks back. My gp decided to take some bloods differently from the hospital to check my long term meds weren't affected my liver etc. They aren't. But i am now 1 point into .diabetes. and with a bmi of 40.
Welcome to the forum @Elliwc.

Sorry to hear about your other health problems. It sounds like you're in good hands with your GP, and I hope your liver's okay.

What kind of lifestyle changes have you been making since diagnosis? There's good advice on this forum, so make sure you have a good look around. 🙂
Welcome to the forum @Elliwc

Sorry to hear about your fatigue and breathlessness.

Sounds like your HbA1c is only just into the range that leads to a diagnosis? Were you given the number? An elevated HbA1c suggests that your body is beginning to struggle with processing and absorbing carbohydrates (not just sugary things, but ‘healthy’ wholegrain and starchy carbs too). So you may find it's helpful to begin reducing your portion sizes of carbohydrates generally as well as cutting down on sugary and sweet things.

We have a friendly weight loss group where you can compare tactics and strategies with other members, and you can take a look at the food and carb queries section for ideas of swaps and tweaks you can make to meals.

Ask away with any questions - nothing will be considered too obvious or ‘silly’.
Thanks. I can't remember the number my doctor said. I just remember it was 1 point over the pre-diabetic number. Which i had had for some years. I think I was too shocked to write it down. I have had 12 months plus of new and difficult issues with my health and this was the one that I think broke the camel's back. I have added several new meds and now take 20 tablets a day and am getting fed up of new diagnoses. That said, I am feeling a lot better than when I was taken to A&E last May unable to breathe. Not Covid and not a heart attack but no oxygen either and not COPD. Turns out blood clots had done a number on my heart and lungs in my arteries. luckily they were small enough to more or less dissolve with medication but the damage has been done. Close to heart failure I was told afterwards...
And my systolic pressure won't settle down to a nice level and is erratic, and now the diabetes. all too much.
I am talking to the NHS weight people and am on a pain alleviation course and now I am readjusting my food intake. I have managed to lose 10 pounds all but so things are working so far.... I just wish... and yes I have a psychologist too and she has been very helpful. In fact, the NHS service has been great. And I am very grateful for what they do as I have had a c..p year!
Sorry to hear about everything you’ve been going through @Elliwc

Well done for the weight loss. hopefully things will begin to get better for you now
I have just got my HbA1c level.
So i really am on the verge. But hopefully it will get down to the 42mm recommended.
Hi @Elliwc
Sounds like you’ve had a challenging time with your health, good job the Dr sounds to be helping you hopefully reducing your Hba1c down from 48 to under 42
will be achieved and the T2 Diabetes not cause you further health concerns.

Well done on loosing that initial 10 pounds, that sounds a great start !
You will find a lot of help & support on here from so many other users,
Hi @Elliwc
Sounds like you’ve had a challenging time with your health, good job the Dr sounds to be helping you hopefully reducing your Hba1c down from 48 to under 42
will be achieved and the T2 Diabetes not cause you further health concerns.

Well done on loosing that initial 10 pounds, that sounds a great start !
You will find a lot of help & support on here from so many other users,
Thanks. should I be listing my meds under my name? Is there a way to have a signature on tis forum? Only I take 20 tablets plus a day (not all different meds of course) and writing them down each time would be....
Thanks. should I be listing my meds under my name? Is there a way to have a signature on tis forum? Only I take 20 tablets plus a day (not all different meds of course) and writing them down each time would be....
Click on the symbol for your name at the top of the screen and then click on signature.
Thanks. should I be listing my meds under my name? Is there a way to have a signature on tis forum? Only I take 20 tablets plus a day (not all different meds of course) and writing them down each time would be....
You don't have to if you don't want to!
You don't have to if you don't want to!
Thanks. I decided I should as it might help make sense of some of my questions and posts. Diabetes is my latest diagnosis and also the one I stand a chance of affecting! See my typing assistants... Miss black and white jumps on my keyboard as soon as I sit down. They are our Lockdown friends - as we acquired them from their breeder last July - neutered male and female Maine Coons. He weighs 18 pounds and she is 11lbs!20200801_130704.jpg
Click on the symbol for your name at the top of the screen and then click on signature.
thanks for this. I did it as you can see.
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