HI messages

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Had HI messages this morning 1 hour after Metformin 1000mg and Gliclazide 80mg. Had breakfast (yoghurt and muesli) after 1 hour still HI message. 2 hours later still high so took more Metformin and Gliclazide. 3 hours later still reading 22.2 on my Optimum xceed. Any suggestions! Does my machine need Central Solution Testing? I am 86 and have had diabetes for about 16 years.
Please ring your GP surgery now so they can help you. Taking metformin as you have done wont do any good as it's not intended for use like that.
Hope you soon feel better.
To make double sure you have washed and dried your hands properly before finger test?
I think you should ring either 111 or your GP for some help with your blood sugars. If you see HI and feel otherwise unwell e.g. nauseous or pear drop smell on your breath, then go to A&E
How are things now @DTH ? I hope you’ve managed to speak to someone if your high sugars are persisting.
Hi. I hope you did obtain some support. Was the yogurt low-sugar or the typical sugar-loaded type? Was the muesli no-added sugar? If you are able to cook, eggs and bacon might be better for your BS. Perhaps the GP can increase your Gliclazide dose?
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