Hi I've taken 2 blood test

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
One first thing in morning and another 1 hour after a meal first reading was 7.0 and the second reading was 10.7 are the readings high and do the readings mean I am diabetic
One first thing in morning and another 1 hour after a meal first reading was 7.0 and the second reading was 10.7 are the readings high and do the readings mean I am diabetic
Readings from a home blood glucose monitor are not used for diagnosis of diabetes, you would need to have an HbA1C test done from a blood sample taken from your arm and sent to the lab. That test is an average of your blood glucose over the previous 3 months. Anything over 47mmol/mol would give you a diabetes diagnosis.
The readings you take from your home monitor can tell you if the meal you have eaten has been tolerated by you body. Test just before you eat and after 2 hours and if the increase is no more than 2-3mmol/l or less than 8.5mmol/l then the meal is OK.
Testing first thing in the morning (fasting) can help you keep track of progress day to day, week to week etc.
People who are diagnosed as Type 2 aim at being between 4-7mmol/l fasting or before meals and no more than 8.5mmol/l 2 hours post meal.
Thanks for your reply I'll get a proper test done.
That would be wise especially if you have been having symptoms which has made you suspect you may be diabetic. Better to be on the safe side and regard a diagnosis as an opportunity to improve your lifestyle if that is how it turns out.
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