Hi I'm Rob and new to this site

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I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 18 months ago after I had been given steroids for a chest infection, I assume prior to this I had pre diabetes, the doctor has kept these details very sketchy. I pretended for all this period that I wasn't diabetic etc. and remained that way until 3 months ago, at this period I began to take care of my whole life, lifestyle and diet etc. I attended Desmond Diabetic Classes UK, CBT Therapy, Healthy Routes, Eye Tests, Blood Tests and Foot Tests etc., I was quite sedentary at this period. Since this I have lost 2 and a half stones in weight, attend Gym classes twice a week, I am doing all sorts of additional walking and exercise. I also read 2 books that turned my whole life around "Your Best Year Yet - Jinny Ditzler" and a book by "Dr Chatterjee - The 4 Pillar Plan" and to champion Desmond they advised me about portion size and what is best for diabetes. My Diabetes is now in remission, my blood pressure is now normal, my cholesterol has gone lower. You may ask if it has been hard "No" its just been a change of mind, I wanted to do it and did.
So the best suggestion is to get in control, do it now. 1. Attend a diabetes class 2. Get full support 3. Find the equivalent to Healthy Routes 4. Go to CBT classes 5. Read Your Best Year Yet 6. Read Dr Chatterjee's Book 7. Be in control of your life and you, take care of you.
Welcome to the forum Rob from a fellow T2.
Have just borrowed the Dr Chatterjee book you mention from the library, am impressed by what I have read so far, may invest in a copy. You are right in saying it is a change of mind. We have to adapt to a new way of living that is sustainable, which it seems you have been able to do
Hi Rob, welcome to the forum 🙂 Well done on turning things around 🙂
Have just borrowed the Dr Chatterjee book you mention from the library, am impressed by what I have read so far, may invest in a copy. You are right in saying it is a change of mind. We have to adapt to a new way of living that is sustainable, which it seems you have been able to do
My library Essex don't appear to have any copies any where just checked online.
My library Essex don't appear to have any copies any where just checked online.
It was only published this year, maybe they will stock it eventually. I found it for £8 in Tesco (cover price £16.99). Kent have around 20 copies spread throughout the county
There is not one.
We are lucky in Kent I guess. Our Libraries are part of SELMS (a consortium of library services in the south east of England which has joined together to deliver better services for all its customers) so if there is not a copy of a book I want in Kent they get it in from another area.
We are lucky in Kent I guess. Our Libraries are part of SELMS (a consortium of library services in the south east of England which has joined together to deliver better services for all its customers) so if there is not a copy of a book I want in Kent they get it in from another area.
The Essex site is for the libraries all over Essex.I don't enquire at my local library as after waiting for 30 years for one it is run by volunters and some days not manned.
Hello to Rob. Your journey is very inspiring and encouraging. As a former carb queen, nothing would have made me forsake pasta, sweet potatoes and Crabbies but I have had to take stock, because although I am just at the cust, my bg is only going to go in one direction if I don't. Encouraged to hear that blood pressure and cholesterol dropped too🙂 I will add your book recommendation to your list🙂
Have just borrowed the Dr Chatterjee book you mention from the library, am impressed by what I have read so far, may invest in a copy. You are right in saying it is a change of mind. We have to adapt to a new way of living that is sustainable, which it seems you have been able to do
I highly recommend The Four Pillars of Health too. It’s very accessible and breaks goals into simple achievable chunks. I’m doing it gradually: not looking at electronic devices for 90 mins before bed and buying black out curtains another. Got mine from WH Sugar 🙂 for about £7
Hi and welcome to the Forum. well done for turning things around.

Unfortunately, it does not work for everyone. I went pre-diabetic, got out of it and now back in it again. I am underweight and never had a health problem. I also exercise and, although I had a sedentary job at the time, I still exercised. GP not sure why it has gone back up; thinks may be more insulin resistant as getting older (65 now). Will battle on and see what happens at next test next year.

The book by Dr Chatterjee sounds interesting so will try to get that. I shop in Tesco so will have a look there first.

Once again, well done.
Well done on the adjustments you have made.
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