Hi, I'm Jenny

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been a type 1 insulin controlled diabetic since I was 3 1/2 years old, almost 42 years. I recently had an interview about fostering 2 young children that I know, aged 6 and 3. The child services didn't ask about my control or average blood sugar levels at all. They just seemed to focus in on the stress of raising 2 children. They seemed to think my diabetes makes me a sloth with no energy. They went so far as to say 'haven't you thought that the stress of raising 2 children would make you ill'. What should I have come back with? Their negativity left me speechless. Do all mother's feel invincible, with boundless energy? Is it impossible to bond with children when tired? Anyone with experience of fostering children out there that could advice?
Hi, haven't got any experience of fostering or children or type 1 I'm afraid, but just wanting to say hi and welcome to the forum. I'm fairly sure there are plenty of type 1 foster parents out there!!!
I've been a type 1 insulin controlled diabetic since I was 3 1/2 years old, almost 42 years. I recently had an interview about fostering 2 young children that I know, aged 6 and 3. The child services didn't ask about my control or average blood sugar levels at all. They just seemed to focus in on the stress of raising 2 children. They seemed to think my diabetes makes me a sloth with no energy. They went so far as to say 'haven't you thought that the stress of raising 2 children would make you ill'. What should I have come back with? Their negativity left me speechless. Do all mother's feel invincible, with boundless energy? Is it impossible to bond with children when tired? Anyone with experience of fostering children out there that could advice?

Hi Ockelford and good for you wanting to become a foster parent. I used to assess prospective foster and adoptive parents and believe me this isn't a personal dig at you, all parents with any chronic or long term health condition would be asked because it is pertinent. You may be right in saying the assessor doesn't have a great deal of in depth understanding of type 1 diabeties so they'd be looking to you for insight, positivity and reassurance.
Assessment is tough and the primary focus is always on the needs of the prospective children not the foster parents. Many find this difficult and I often had people telling me what they needed. There's also a duty of care to you however and it's about making sure you do know what an absolute handful little ones can be.
My advice would be don't get ultra defensive. Show by your actions, enthusiasm and focus on the kids that you can do this and no condition will get in the way! Good luck!
Hi Ockelford and good for you wanting to become a foster parent. I used to assess prospective foster and adoptive parents and believe me this isn't a personal dig at you, all parents with any chronic or long term health condition would be asked because it is pertinent. You may be right in saying the assessor doesn't have a great deal of in depth understanding of type 1 diabeties so they'd be looking to you for insight, positivity and reassurance.
Assessment is tough and the primary focus is always on the needs of the prospective children not the foster parents. Many find this difficult and I often had people telling me what they needed. There's also a duty of care to you however and it's about making sure you do know what an absolute handful little ones can be.
My advice would be don't get ultra defensive. Show by your actions, enthusiasm and focus on the kids that you can do this and no condition will get in the way! Good luck!
Hello and welcome to you.
I went in for fostering back in the day. I got a certificate and everything from the course I went on. However, when it came to the home visit the pair were very negative and I think they have to be, to weed out those maybe only in it for the money and stuff. I do know a few people like that. They more or less told me I was too close to my family! I didn't do it in the end, I was put off, but I wouldn't take it personally.
Big hugs coming your way and not having advice about fostering, but I gained all my ill health AFTER having my children, so to me there is no difference at all, in fact you are more aware then most people are as I am a type 2 newbie and the support network around you is just treated, As a every day condition that they are aware of, but make no fuss about it all towards you, Just my personal opinion and a very warm welcome to this great site of members that genuinely care and support each other, Again by my own personal experience, Hope you enjoy the site lots on here, and Good luck for the future
Jo x
Hello and welcome, I'm sorry to hear of the response you were given, it seems shortsighted to me, considering the amount of children in need of foster parents.
Hi Jenny. No experience of fostering but I've got 2 daughters of my own and it can be hard work but nothing that most people can't cope with. They're growing/grown up now but I still love them to bits. I had no issues with my health and I didn't become ill when they were younger as it probably made me better manage my T1 in order to be there and care for them. 6 and 3 are great ages as they tend to be more manageable at that stage! Don't be put off and good luck with it. 🙂
Hi Jenny I'm sorry i cant help with your fostering query with never having fostered children myself but just wanted to welcome you to our friendly & supportive forum. Take care x
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