Hi I have not posted for years

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I haven't posted for years , forgot my password and just reset it . Basically I have just been plodding along , last December I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and had a full hysterectomy in Jan, the cancer has all gone and although they said there was a small risk it could return, it will not return I refuse it , its gone . I also have sleep apnea which has gone untreated since 2010 when my GP said it was panic attacks. I am waiting for my CPAP machine which I get 24 August. The reason for my post is that both these conditions i have had type2 and endometrial cancer can be caused by untreated sleep apnea , I wanted to come back to this forum as i wanted other women to know that if they are suffering sleep apnea or believe they may have it , get it checked out and treated . I have no idea what A1c is right now as I've been under a lot of stress worry and anxiety and I am due my A1c in August on the anniversary of when my postmenopausal issues began and I went to the GP .Its completely turned our lives upside down , but on a positive point things have improved , my husband turned 60 in June and he closed the business to look after me as I have mental illness made worse by cancer diagnosis , so we now have every day together and we try to enjoy it best we can . I hope its okay to post this , its a message of hope and its also advise as I wouldn't want anyone to suffer what I have . God bless x
Hi Jackie, welcome back! 🙂 Very sorry to hear about all you have been through, but very pleased to hear about your positive outcome 🙂 I'm sure your warning will be of immense value to other women here who may not have realised the potential problems that may be caused, and be prompted to seek treatment if they have been putting it off (or, indeed, if their GP has dismissed their concerns).

Wishing you continued good health 🙂 I hope your HbA1c is better than you fear, do please let us know how things go 🙂
Hi Jackie, welcome back! 🙂 Very sorry to hear about all you have been through, but very pleased to hear about your positive outcome 🙂 I'm sure your warning will be of immense value to other women here who may not have realised the potential problems that may be caused, and be prompted to seek treatment if they have been putting it off (or, indeed, if their GP has dismissed their concerns).

Wishing you continued good health 🙂 I hope your HbA1c is better than you fear, do please let us know how things go 🙂
Thank you , a positive attitude works wonders. I will have a neb around the forum as it's been a long time . I started some low impact workouts for seniors lol , if anyone is interest I can post the video's from youtube ?. They are done to music from the 50,60,70,80,90 so singing along keeps the mind off the exercise .:D:rofl:
So sorry your going through so much, I was found to have precancerous tissue in my womb around age 30 due to no bleeds from pcos, also need CPAP but it triggers my ptsd, really hope things go ok for you next month, thinking of you x
I would really be interested in the low impact exercises for seniors as I have been suffering from sacroilitis and diverticulitis so have not moved much and my Type 2 readings today are 11.5 instead of the usual 8. I admit to being naughty and having birthday cake last Sunday but can’t move very far to walk it off.
I was diagnosed Type 2 in 2013 and am on metformin twice a day. My mother and grandmother were Type 2 in later years too and contrary to what the doctors say about being overweight they were both stick thin normally.
Could I up my dosage while I am in pain?
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