Hi I am new here


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I am 62 have an AC1 of 50 which has been repeated twice!Really upset as I have been asking GP for diabetes test for 5 years as Grandmother Mother & Mums 3 brothers all type 2 in their 50's all lead a healthy lifestyle & were not overweight.I am overweight but walk a couple of miles daily have never drunk alcohol or smoked.We don't eat processed food keep carbs to a minimum & only have wholemeal bread brown rice pasta etc.We eat tonnes of fresh veg & I only drink water unsweetened tea & coffee.We have the occasional dessert but who doesn't!I am desperate to know what else I can do that I can maintain without being obsessed cant get a Nurse appointment for 2 weeks & am going on a cruise in 3 weeks!
Hi and welcome. This is something you’ve been worried about happening for a while so to find out for sure is a bit of an anti climax and a challenge.
You’re already very aware of living a healthy lifestyle and 50 isn’t so high that some tweaks to your food choices will help reduce that number.
I would read as much info on this website as you can in the next weeks prior to your appointment and then relax into your holiday with a plan in place for when you’re back.
From experience as a long term T2 who followed nhs guidelines on healthy eating…lots of carbs, low fat and restricted calories and got worse and worse …I now know that my body cannot deal with carbs so bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, lentils and so many more foods cannot be part of my lifestyle. I now live on 50-75 carbs daily with more eggs, cheese and meat/fish proteins than ever before in my lifetime. I’ve lost weight. My cholesterol is 3.6 and my A1c dropped from 67 to 41 (unfortunately I need meds to help with this). I’m a work in progress at 75.
Best wishes on this journey.
Welcome to the forum @jenettedavies

Sorry to hear about your diabetes diagnosis :(

It must be frustrating to be careful in making careful food choices, but still to have received a diagnosis with diabetes.

It does sound like there may be a substantial genetic component, as it looks like diabetes runs in your family

With an HbA1c at 50 you are just at the lower end of the diabetes zone (from 48 upwards). Some T2 members here join with an HbA1c in the 90s or 100s!

It may be that you are just genetically predisposed to struggle with some of the modern sources of carbohydrates, and that reduced portion sizes or avoiding some types might help (eg some members here are fine with basmati rice, but can’t cope with bread, while for others it’s just the opposite!

Some members find it really helpful to fine-tune their menu with a BG meter (these can be bought if your GP won’t prescribe one for you). Taking a pair of readings before eating and 2hrs after the first bite can help you to see how your body has responded to a meal. Ideally you’r want to keep the meal rise (the difference between before amd 2hr readings) to be 2-3mmol/L or less.

Hope you can find some modest adjustments to your menu to help gently steer your BGs, and reduce your HbA1c in a sustainable way.
Finding a way of eating which you enjoy but which is kind to managing the condition is what is needed.
I found the Freshwell program made perfect sense and was easy to follow, have a look at this link for ideas.