Hi Everyone!


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone :) I'm Ellie, I've had type 1 diabetes for just over 10 years. I wanted to join this group as i recently became vegan, which has had a really positive impact on my diabetes. I am, however, struggling with my morning BG and so am looking for some inspiration of what people eat in the morning? Any advice, particularly from other vegans, would be super appreciated! Thanks :D
Welcome @EllieS :) I’m not vegan but eat a lot of vegan meals. I have cereal and Koko coconut milk for breakfast mostly because it’s quick. If I bolus a sufficient time in advance of eating, my blood sugar stays well within range. In the morning most people find they need to make tweaks to beat the common rise in blood sugar.

I also like Overnight Oats (various recipes, many with fruit) and an overnight buckwheat cereal with coconut cream and apple.
Big soy flat white coffee with 30g of chia seeds added to make a soy flat white chia porridge-ish delectation, yum yum.

Bowl with strawberries, cantaloupe, walnuts, slice of pumpernickel crumbled up plus juice of half a lemon of lemon juice.

Together, delivers a bunch of protein, vitamins, minerals, unsat fats, fibre. About 60g of carbs, net, so mileages will vary when it comes to bg impact.
Welcome to the forum @EllieS

Weekdays I have a slice of seedy toast and a coffee. Not all that inspiring, but reliable BG-wise.

A bit more adventurous on the weekends!

Would one of those “mixtures of berries, plant-based yoghurt and a sprinkling of granola“ type things appeal?