Hi everyone


Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I was told I might be pre-diabetic so joining to learn as much as i can. It's a complicated thing!

I just went through open heart surgery which im told can upset everything for several months and am/was on dapafliglozin for heart reasons, but obviously its a diabetes drug as well just to complicate things.

I did probably overreact and buy a CGM, which is throwing up a few questions...
Then you have come to a good place. Fire away with any questions that arise, and tap into the wealth of experience on here. No questions are considered silly on here. Just ask.

CGMs can be very helpful in making decisions about changes to diet/portion size/levels of activity.
Hi @SilverSahded and welcome to the forum, there is lots of information here and people with a vast amount of knowledge on all things diabetic.
Ask any questions you want and somebody will probably come along with some answers and/or suggestions

Alan 😉
Supposed to be SilverShaded, like our persian cats, but aparently i can't spell 🙂
Have you tried changing it? I changed mine once, although I know there are restrictions on how often you can do that. Mike @everydayupsanddowns will know.
Supposed to be SilverShaded, like our persian cats, but aparently i can't spell 🙂

And with the merest twitch of my mighty Admin Eyebrows your wish was granted :D

What questions has your CGM raised?