Hi everyone!


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi all,
I have recently been told I’m pre diabetic/obese and need to lose weight and sort myself out! I’m menopausal and simply just can’t seem to shift any weight
I’ve just been looking at food plans etc and have seen the Ovivo plan. I wonder if anyone could help me please with what this is, or offer me some help with how to even start? Apparently, I don’t eat enough! Which is probably true of actual meals, I tend to graze and often on the wrong things! (Crisps/pitta bread/hummus etc)
Thanks in advance, I need to sort myself out, I’ve lost my hubby and my kids need me.
Welcome to the forum @Mrsmum21

We have several members who have used the Oviva approach (or other versions of the Newcastle 800 / NHS Soup and Shake diet to aim to lose weight with a relatively short, but intense intervention.

You’ll find some stories and discussions in our Remission section

Including this fairly long-running thread following @Kreator ’s progress
Hello, welcome to the forum!

Everything will be fine very soon, I wish your fast recovery.
HI @Mrsmum21 and welcome from me, an ex-very obese Type 2. You'll get loads of useful information here and no questions are ever considered stupid which is really helpful.

I lots 5 stone through low carb eating, and there are many more here who have similar stories. I cut out bread, rice, taters and pasta (though it's recommended that you reduce them, not just cut them out) and can now eat small amounts of said carbs.

If you're not eating enough, try to get full on proteins and veg, especially green leafy ones if you don't mind them. For snacks, some cubes of cheese or a handful of nuts keep the pangs at bay.

Like most of us, you've probably always had the Low-Fat mantra dinned into you. Fat is actually your friend as it keeps you feeling full for longer...it's the sneaky carbs which are usually to blame.

I eat the same as the rest of the family, chillies, casseroles, currys, roast dinners etc, just without the accompanying potatoes, rice or pasta.

Very best of luck to you 🙂