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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, my name is Aimee and I'm new to the forums.
I got diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at age 23, almost 2 years ago now and honestly it has affected my mental health SO much!
I have been on and off taking my medications (more off than on) over these last 2 years and have not even bothered to sort my diet out either. I am a VERY picky eater and struggling to find meals that ill actually like and will point me in the right direction with getting my diabetes under control! I feel that it is finally time to sort my life out and I'm hoping being on this forum will give me lots of hints and tricks!
I've got a lovely support network around me with my Fiancé and my family but I guess unless you've got it yourself you don't quite understand and it can be SO lonely!

Hoping to speak to some lovely people on here!
Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi everyone, my name is Aimee and I'm new to the forums.
I got diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at age 23, almost 2 years ago now and honestly it has affected my mental health SO much!
I have been on and off taking my medications (more off than on) over these last 2 years and have not even bothered to sort my diet out either. I am a VERY picky eater and struggling to find meals that ill actually like and will point me in the right direction with getting my diabetes under control! I feel that it is finally time to sort my life out and I'm hoping being on this forum will give me lots of hints and tricks!
I've got a lovely support network around me with my Fiancé and my family but I guess unless you've got it yourself you don't quite understand and it can be SO lonely!

Hoping to speak to some lovely people on here!
Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!
Welcome to the forum. 23 is quite young to be diagnosed with Type 2 unless you are overweight so I assume clinical presentation indicated that rather than Type 1.
Would you like to share how you came to be diagnosed, what your HbA1C is and what medication you were prescribes as all that information will help people to point you in the right direction about diet.
What foods do you like and what don't you like as there is no reason to have to eat things you don't like.
Depending on what your HbA1C is it may be you only need to make some modest changes, a first good step would be cutting out cakes, biscuits, and sugary drinks including fruit juice unless you make your own low carb ones. Good recipes on the website sugarfreelondoner.
Hi @aimleigh98, do you test your blood glucose at all? Doing so is a very good way of identifying which things can spike your bg. Although us T2s have to mind the carbs, not all carbs are equal for everybody! For example I can tolerate wholemeal bread but not white although the same amount of carbs are in both. I can manage a small amount of potatoes or rice, but not pasta. Experimenting with which foods spike you will be really important if you're a picky eater. My 29 year old T2 son is atrociously picky but through testing some years ago, we've found he can manage rice which is preferred carb, but not potatoes. And obviously we can both eat unlimited meat, fish, eggs and cheese (though son won't touch eggs)
Hi Aimee, welcome to the forum!
Welcome @aimleigh98 🙂 What kind of foods do you like? Don’t rule out trying new foods. Apparently it can take a number of tastes on various occasions until you get used to a food. Palates can change🙂
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