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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm Derek I'm a type 2 diabetic diagnosed about 10yrs. I take Metformin twice a day. Joined this support group to get serious with my condition. Been in denial for too long now, can't do it alone anymore, need help.
I'm Derek I'm a type 2 diabetic diagnosed about 10yrs. I take Metformin twice a day. Joined this support group to get serious with my condition. Been in denial for too long now, can't do it alone anymore, need help.
Welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place to get helpful advice on how to get to grips with improving things.
I suspect having been diagnosed for 10 years the dietary advice you were given is doing you no favours and now it is recognised that a low carbohydrate diet can be very successful at reducing blood glucose level. Metformin is a medication which helps the body use the insulin it produces more effectively and reduces the glucose released by the liver but it also needs dietary changes as it does not magic away the carbohydrates in the meals you have.
Many find that reducing carbohydrate intake to no more than 130g carbs not just sugar per day, though some need to go lower that they lose weight if needed and reduce their Hba1C.
This link may help you with some explanation of that approach and there are some do's and don'ts as well as some menu plans to suit various tastes and budgets.
Also increasing exercise if you are able helps, it doesn't have to be going to the gym, brisk walking, gardening, housework can all be effective.
Do you test your blood glucose at home with a monitor as people find that is a good way to keep on track and find out which foods are tolerated well and are OK but those which are best avoided.
I'm Derek I'm a type 2 diabetic diagnosed about 10yrs. I take Metformin twice a day. Joined this support group to get serious with my condition. Been in denial for too long now, can't do it alone anymore, need help.

Welcome to the forum @delboy104

Glad to hear you have decided to give your diabetes a bit more attention. That’s a hugely important step, and not always an easy one to take among the busy-ness and distraction of life.

So don’t be hard on yourself for pushing your diabetes into the background. Was there a catalyst for your chanfe of mind? The good news is that diabetes often responds well to a little TLC, and a few fairly modest changes can make a big difference.

How have things been going over the 10 years? Do you plan to focus on weight loss, or glucose management?
Very pleased that you have found the forum @delboy104
Cone back with any questions that arise, as there is plenty of experience to tap into on here.
I look forward to hearing more from you.
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