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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Its more than 7 years that I am diabetic. I couldn't do my regular chek-up about 8 months in which I am here in england. I have some tablets from Iran with me and use them according to my previous doctor prescription. Actually I don't now how to start here and what supports here I can find when I finished my tablets such as drugs and regular blood elements check ups etc. Some times I am above 300 and scare to check myself at home because I get upset and nervous when see that I am high. Just I go jugging and walking to regulate myself. I have an old arhythmia heart disease and take propranolol 10 3 times in a day as well. Its about 3 years that I use Protral too. Recently I have very bad leg spasm at sleep which is really painful. It would be my greate pleasure to be in contact with you at future.
Have you registered with a GP? That would be the first step to sorting things out. You must register as soon as possible, don't wait till you are running out of the tablets because you will need to have an appointment with the GP to set up the prescriptions and there can be a long wait for that.
Hi Makvand, welcome to the forum.

Yep, as advised above, please do get registered with a doctor as soon as you can.

Each practice is different but they should be able to initiate some form of support even if that's a blood test schedule and an eye test.

Once you've got more insight it will help you to be able to plan how to manage your health moving forward.

We've got some really useful info on the site so do have a look around and let us know if we can help in anyway.
You should have had a new patient appointment when you registered but if not then I’d call and ask for an appointment. They’ll want to know the reason so you can say it’s to set up your prescriptions and checkups for diabetes.
Hi @Makvand, it's amazing to see you've joined the online community! Hopefully your GP appointment goes well and your able to get all you questions answered. We'll be more than happy to support you through this 🙂
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