Thank you
Due to the fact that I had no idea what I was doing it would seem that I sent individual responses so sorry I am not used to this sort of web site thing.
Thanks for the greetings.
How has my first year as a diabetic been?? That is a big question.
Medication. Metformin- aspirin – satins, ( I seem to be getting more upset stomachs than I ever used to – is this the medication?)
I got sent on the desmond training session.
Every one was telling me that this would answer all my questions. Nice bright sunny day. Got to the medical centre in Bridgewater. The nurse had called in sick. So the other girl, a nutritionalist ran the day on her own, got the feeling that she had never been left on her own in her life!!. Any questions posed were answered with the statement that the answer is in the book. So no answers.
The photo of the retina. Wonderful – I had no perception of any reaction to the drops at all. Bright sun no pain, no screwed up vision, none of the horror stories I had been fed were true! wonderful---- the driver I had taken with me drove home anyway they insisted. About an hour later I could not see with out 2 pairs of sun glasses and that in a dark room!! I was still like it at bed time ok in the morning,
My wife has an interesting take on meal times. Unless she is HUNGARY it is not a meal time!
Trying to keep off of cheese to control cholesterol has been very hard, I have always grabbed a cheese sandwich when peckish -
I now seem to get head aches which seem to last a couple of days, I have never really suffered from head aches so this is annoying.
Feeling tired in the day when I have never felt tired before.
A Mother who seems to think that I am going to die.
A Sister has been told she is diabetic as well (she is super obese and has been for 30 years)-
So how has my first year been?
Frustrating. (I could have done with finding this web site a year ago!) Other than to take the tablets take more exercise – watch what I eat and make it up as I go along.
Getting information all my own work- and as for the eyes very worrying.
No info from the Dr-Nurse-Optician-Desmond. It took me ages to get any info on that (and not much then) ---- I had visions of my eyes changing over night repeatedly!!!! Thinking of the cost of glasses every couple of months. I keep rubbing my toes on the floor to make sure that I can feel the carpet. And squinting at fine print to make sure that I can see good edge definition!