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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
I am an italian woman with diabete type 1, since 2002. I found it out when i was 58... so i am one of the cases of diabete type 1 "delay" (in italian we call it in this way..).
Sorry for my english..i try my best. I need an information, i have a couple of clinics in Italy that a are following my case because my diabete, for some ignote cause, is really difficult to manage. I follow a perfect diet everyday, i workout as the doctors tell me, i try my best to follow everyday what my doctors says but i do not have good results.

Can you tell me if there are good Centres of Diabete in Europe? i would like to hear some other opinion looking at my diabete story.. and i really would like to meet some different doctor.

I would be really glad to know your experiences with diabete 1 and tell me if you know some expert centre in Europe (i found a really good one in Boston USA).

Thanks again.
try MAD

Being based in England, UK (like this discussion board), and speaking only English, French and Spanish, with only a few words of Italian, German & Arabic (not all Brits speak only English!) I can't help much with suggesting a diabetes clinic in Italian speaking countries of Europe - Italy and parts of Switzerland. However, you might get some help from Italian members of MAD (Mountains for Active Diabetics) - see http://diabetic.friendsinhighplaces.org/
hi iam italian to and i am glad that i live in england i think here the diabetic care is better especially for chidren if my boy would go to shool in italy will be very scary because they dont have really good policy in place to care for diabetic pupils daniela mum to graham 5
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