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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ive just been diagnosed as type 1 a week ago and its just turned my world upside down and im scared and confused, could do with perking up any one to help?:confused:
hi and a warm welcome peter nice to meet you , dont worry your in the right place your mind is probs in overtime with a million questions to ask etc etc, feel free to ask away anytime we are all in the same boat and we are always here for one another x have you any appointments with GP yet
hi peterpumpkin! (i'm guessing peter for short??)

first of all i think it's safe to say it's 100% normal to feel like your world has been turned upside down and turned inside out.

as i was diagnosed just before i turned 3 i don't remember my diagnosis, so i can't attempt to understand exactly how you're feeling; all i can say is that when things have settled down and you've got your head around some of it, things will seem a lot easier to handle.

this forum is amazing for providing everything the doctor's can't - like the emotional stuff, the questions you're not sure how to ask, etc. stick around and ask as many questions as you like - diabetes is a constant learning curve, but one that can be managed.

stick around 🙂
Hi peterpumpkin (great name!) and welcome to the site, shame of course that you have to be here but hopefully you'll get a lot out of it.

A week in I'm not surprised you're confused, there's so much to take in. It's a cliche but I promise it does get easier and you'll be surprised how eventually it will all just fit in with your life.

Have a look through some of the posts on here and ask anything you want. Just take everything a bit at a time and you will get there.

Have you had much support from your hospital? What insulin(s) have you been put on?
Hi Peterpumpkin, welcome to the forum!🙂 You're our 1500th member! As others have said, there is an awful lot to take in at first, and you will always be learning something new as each day goes by, but you will gradually learn how best to look after yourself. Try to take things calmly and don't feel that you need to know everything right from the start. If you have any specific questions, then please ask away - there are many very experienced (and friendly!) people here willing to help all they can.
Hi Peter, I'm still reeling too having been diagnosed a month ago, but the people in here are great. You'll find all the help and support you could want.
Hi Peter, welcome. You're never alone when you belong to this forum, people here are lovely and always happy to help with anything re the big D, however trivial it may seem to you, we've all been where you are right now.

Hi Peter,

It's totally fine to feel that your world has been turned over by it. Sometimes I still feel that my world does get turned over by it. That's after thirteen years of type one. We'll do all that we can to help and support you on this site and feel free to ask anything you want to as we'll see what we can do for you. I myself have used this site for a fair few months now and it is so very helpful. Just talking with people who understand what life with diabetes is like can be such a great thing at times.

Peter, great to meet you and Im sorry it is because you now have type 1 diabetes.

Welcome to the forum Peter. I know we all say we know how you feel but it is from the heart, its such a big thing to deal with in life, sometimes the biggest, and of course it takes times and much adjustment.

Stick with the forum and we will be here for you, promise.

Take care xx
Hi Peterpumpkin (love the name) and welcome. You are among friends here and we will support you as much as we can.

We all reel a bit after the original diagnosis. You will find there is quite a learning curve and this is the place to find things out. None of us are medical people, we can only share our experiences. If you want to know anything just ask.
Welcome to the forum.

I hope that you are getting good support from your diabetes team at this time. You have found a great place here early on in your diagnosis there is always someone who can give advise or share their expereinces.

Any questions just ask
hi Peter,

You've done well to find this Forum, as uncle bob said, It's good to talk, everyone here is really friendly and will help you out in anyway they can, feel free to rant ask any questions etc. I'm just coming to the end of my first (of many I hope) year of being diabetic, it's not always easy but this place makes it a lot easier. I hope to see you around so to speak!

Take Care

Well done for joining the forum, Peter, it's a good place to chat to people in the same boat. Don't feel bad for feeling scared and confused, it's natural, and sometimes you just have to have a good cry or rant about it. I got diagnosed 3 years ago, and I remember being quite surprised when my consultant said "You will get upset about this, and that's ok", and sure enough I did get really upset about it (even 6 months later something minor could set me off), because it's not my fault I got it, and it seems like nothing's going to ever be straightforward again. BUT things do get easier.

Try to go to any courses or support groups your clinic runs, and when you're feeling stronger, educate yourself about the different insulins and treatments available, and get on a regime that suits you. When I got diagnosed a friend who's had it 15 years said "It doesn't change a thing - carry your pen and some sweets and away you go", which is a slightly simplified version of things, but I know what she meant.

Ask lots of questions and feel free to rant on here any time!
welcome peter 1500th member...its tough when you find out but to repeat all who have posted ...keep browsing,keep asking questions there is always someone around with answers advice and big huggs when you need it...good luck and see you around the forum🙂
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