Hi all ive sinned again and again..

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all not been on for a bit but last couple of weeks have been awful. And Long story short ive ended up drinking again quite a bit.. It started last few wekks ive had a few weekends socially having a drink at with my partner at the weekend and week later had a few beers at my nieces birthday.

But last few weeks ive been so stressed out i have ended up drinking at night when ive had really bad days. Long story short ive lost my job, Im worried about my partner as her dad is seriously ill. And my son has been ill with a terrible cold and it worries me all these things. I know i shold not drink as im diabetic but i need to get my head together even my diet has gone off track.

But today its enough of my old life style as i will put weight back on feel a mess at the moment...
So of couse the paranoia has hit me hard again. IM loosing my eyesight my kidneys and liver are failing what a total mess i am..

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Hi all not been on for a bit but last couple of weeks have been awful. And Long story short ive ended up drinking again quite a bit.. It started last few wekks ive had a few weekends socially having a drink at with my partner at the weekend and week later had a few beers at my nieces birthday.

But last few weeks ive been so stressed out i have ended up drinking at night when ive had really bad days. Long story short ive lost my job, Im worried about my partner as her dad is seriously ill. And my son has been ill with a terrible cold and it worries me all these things. I know i shold not drink as im diabetic but i need to get my head together even my diet has gone off track.

But today its enough of my old life style as i will put weight back on feel a mess at the moment...
So of couse the paranoia has hit me hard again. IM loosing my eyesight my kidneys and liver are failing what a total mess i am..


oh Mark, sounds like things have been pretty bad for you recently :( BUT you have done the hardest thing and identified what you're doing, and that you shouldn't be doing it so that's half the battle there. everyone is allowed to fall off the band wagon from time to time - we wouldn't be human if we didn't - but the key is to make sure we get things back on track as well.

Forget all the stuff you've done that you shouldn't have (the drinking and diet) and just concentrate on what you need to be doing. Focus on what you want to achieve and then be proud when you're working hard towards reaching that.

Good luck, and keep us updated, especially if it helps to talk. We can all sympathise and encourage 🙂
I am sorry to hear bout your job Mark, I was in that position a year ago too.

As far as the drinking goes, you can do it when your diabetic, its just better if its spirits as opposed to beer, but then remembering to have some food to top up the falling blood sugar......

Throughout your whole life you will have periods of time when the diabetes wont be top priority, and thats ok, as long as you dont lose sight of it completely.

The paranoi must be a pain in the a*s, but you know its only your mind playing tricks.......

Once again you have came to right place for the support you need.....

Stay stonrg dude.....
Thanks all,

Most of the paranoia is my eyes i have had a bad right eye for years not as good as the other sight wise. I mean i have had eye tests and things and they came back ok. I also at my diabetic screening got told i had the background retinopathy that is constantly on my mind. I mean some days i wake up and my eye sight is a little blurred but then clears up. And for as long as i can remember even as a kid ive had floaty things in my vision i did tell my nurse and the eye screening lady and was told this can be normal and people get it.

But im convinced im going blind im gonna loose my licence and be unable to find another job to support my family and be a burdon on them.

It just seems at the moment everything is going wrong. Yesterday i was also told that i wont be entitled to jobseekers allowance because the tax credits have messed up and told the jobcenter im still on working tax credits which is impossible as im not working. So that was yesterday and on the way home i heard a few noises on the car ive just bought from a garage. Took it to my local garage and its got massive holes in the exhaust and also anti roll bars need replacing. I got home last night and sat in a chair and thought with everything else what next ?????

Its typical , everything comes at once..........

The thing with your eyes is that because your type 2, you sugar levels had an effect whilst you were walking about undiagnosed, now you know, and are controlling it, so your eyes will be fine...........I also have it, it just tiny leaks that do repair themselves if control is as normal as possible.......sight problems could be just that, like you might need glasses as opposed to your blood vessels rupturing......

The jobcentre is a nightmare, I hated the experience, I had problems with joint claims as I was looking for work, but not my partner as she stays at home looking after child, the way it should be (old fashioned I know), and with loan claims.......I hope they sort it out soon mate.....

And for cars, I have had 3 in my time, all have cost hundreds of pounds in repiar, thats why I sold them and just drive the partners car.....I take it theirs no warranty on it or anything......
Yeah there is a warranty but the guy says them things are not covered.

Ah i dont know just wish things would pick up a little..I still wonder when i had my eye scan the woman even showed me the pics of my eyes and said oh they look normal there are no bleeds or anything as ive looked on the web at bad burst blood vessels and the show up as red spots. My pics had none of that then next thing is i get a letter saying background retinopathy...

You would need to look hard for the spots, they are really tiny, and thats why they are called 'normal diabetic changes', as mostly all diabetics will experiencw it in some degree, throughout thier life. Rest assured your eyes are good mate......these letters are just protocol......just keep doin what your doing and remember drinking is ok, but beer has carbs in it, so lots of beer means climbing sugars, then dropping sugars, then bad hangovers that are worse than normal hangovers.....then the following day is wasted.....:D

Is the job search going ok, will you struggle to find anything?
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