Hi all. I have just seen that my hba1c has fallen from 44 to 43 since my last blood test mid July. Is this ok and can i expect it to go down more if i

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I'm pleased
It is possible. Mine dropped, in stages, from 140 to 34
I don't really want to "steal the wind from your sails" but there is no appreciable difference between 43 and 44 when you consider the error margins involved in testing, so I would say you are currently holding your own with it.... and still in the "at risk" range which is 42-47.

What dietary and lifestyle changes have you made since July? It may be that you need to go a bit further with those if there is room for that. Do you test your BG levels before and after meals to give you information to help tailor your diet?
What sort of things do you normally eat for breakfast, lunch and evening meal?

Are you on any medication?.... Not just for diabetes but other meds as they can sometimes elevate BG levels..... particularly steroids.... despite your best dietary efforts.
I don't really want to "steal the wind from your sails" but there is no appreciable difference between 43 and 44 when you consider the error margins involved in testing, so I would say you are currently holding your own with it.... and still in the "at risk" range which is 42-47.

What dietary and lifestyle changes have you made since July? It may be that you need to go a bit further with those if there is room for that. Do you test your BG levels before and after meals to give you information to help tailor your diet?
What sort of things do you normally eat for breakfast, lunch and evening meal?

Are you on any medication?.... Not just for diabetes but other meds as they can sometimes elevate BG levels..... particularly steroids.... despite your best dietary efforts.
I have been using a glucose monitor since July. I've seen that porridge is a good carb for me as there is hardly any rise in levels 2 hours after eating. I eat waitrose livlife low carb bread cheese sandwich and 10g carb protein yoghurt for lunch. Various evening meals but weigh every thing. I allow my self a cake a pudding and small bar of chocolate each week. I have lost more weight since July. The weight is just coming off. I have lost 9lb since March. I'm 59 female 9st and BMI 20.3
And 5ft 6 inches height! I was encouraged that it had gone down as from March to July there was no change
I don't really want to "steal the wind from your sails" but there is no appreciable difference between 43 and 44 when you consider the error margins involved in testing, so I would say you are currently holding your own with it.... and still in the "at risk" range which is 42-47.

What dietary and lifestyle changes have you made since July? It may be that you need to go a bit further with those if there is room for that. Do you test your BG levels before and after meals to give you information to help tailor your diet?
What sort of things do you normally eat for breakfast, lunch and evening meal?

Are you on any medication?.... Not just for diabetes but other meds as they can sometimes elevate BG levels..... particularly steroids.... despite your best dietary efforts.
I'm on amitriptyline 75mg and pantoprazole 40mg each day .
Great that your HbA1c has held steady, and actually just dropped down a whisker.

Whatever you have been doing seems to be working. Keep going, and hopefully you can consolidate your levels, and maybe creep down another notch or two 🙂
Great that your HbA1c has held steady, and actually just dropped down a whisker.

Whatever you have been doing seems to be working. Keep going, and hopefully you can consolidate your levels, and maybe creep down another notch or two 🙂
I really hope so. I finish the preventing diabetes NHS programme in January so another blood test then. I haven't enjoyed the course at all. This forum has been far more helpful
I really hope so. I finish the preventing diabetes NHS programme in January so another blood test then. I haven't enjoyed the course at all. This forum has been far more helpful

Ah sorry to hear that :(

But glad the forum has been helpful. Persinally I don’t think it matters where you find what works for you - everyone needs to build their own individual diabetes toolkit 🙂

Fingers crossed for another gradual reduction in January. Onward and downward!
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