Hi all am new here!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello my name is Mick, am 42 and from London/Essex

Have recently been diagnosed a Type 2 and am not on any tablets as yet but suppose it will only be a matter of time!

It appears it may have been brought on by the fact I have high blood pressure and cholesterol as I have no family history of it or any weight issues. I have also been told I'm quite young to be a Type 2 but too be honest I don't know as I'm finding out more about it every day. I have my Desmond Day booked in for a couple of weeks time and I believe I will also start self testing around that time also

It was a bit of a surprise......has anyone else been in a similar situation??

Hope you are all well and have a good w'end

Welcome to the forums Mick 🙂

Feel free to ask any questions, it's very friendly around here.

There is a really good book by Gretchen Becker that is on the newbie links page <http://www.diabetessupport.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?t=10406> which is worth reading 🙂

I was 35 at diagnosis, but have family history. There are a few younger then me too.

What sort of blood sugar value were you diagnosed at?
Hi Mick, welcome to the forum 🙂 As far as I know Type 2 can manifest itself at any age, although it is rarer the younger you are. Similarly, Type 1 was formerly called 'juvenile' diabetes, but I was 49 at diagnosis! Also, 20% of people diagnosed with Type 2 are not overweight and lead healthy, active lives, despite the media reporting to the contrary.

Good to hear that you have DESMOND booked so quickly - your team sound like they are on the ball, so hopefully you can look forward to good care in the future. Please feel free to ask us anything you are not sure of and we will do our best to help. You may wish to browse our Useful links thread - the book by Gretchen Becker is excellent, as are Jennifer's Advice and Maggie Davey's letter
Hi Micky and a warm welcome to the forum, i done know if you will be interested in attending a meet we are having next saturday in London, Holborn to be exact.
Hi Mick. Welcome 🙂

You may be in a minority but you're by no means unusual. 🙂

Hi Mick, welcome. I'm 43 so you're never too young. I'm on diet and exercise and am a Type 2 (down to my weight and lifestyle). Let's hope we can both keep off the pills for a while yet!
Hi Micky and a warm welcome to the forum, i done know if you will be interested in attending a meet we are having next saturday in London, Holborn to be exact.

Hi, thanks will try and make it........am already out on Saturday but if I can at least pop in depending on times etc I will

Can you give some more info?
Hi Mick, welcome. I'm 43 so you're never too young. I'm on diet and exercise and am a Type 2 (down to my weight and lifestyle). Let's hope we can both keep off the pills for a while yet!

Yep likewise!!!
Hey Mick, sorry to hear of your diagnosis, you have landed in the right place....

Welcome to the forum.......🙂
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