• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.



New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I am a newbie to this forum , but unfortunately to Type 2, I hope to get some hints a tips from you all along the way and also share my journey with you.
@walkerl welcome to the forums. Feel free to share and ask questions, there are lots of lovely people on here just waiting to help you.
Welcome to the forum @walkerl

How long have you been living with diabetes? Do you take medicine(s) to help you manage your glucose levels?

Are there any particular things that you are finding difficult / irritating / worrying with your diabetes at the moment which prompted you to join the forum?

We have literally centuries of lived diabetes experience on the forum, so fire away with any questions, or just offload and share anything that you are wrestling with that you are happy to share. Folks here ‘get it’ 🙂
Hello @walkerl and a warm welcome from me 🙂 Please just ask away if you have questions, concerns or just want to chat to people who just 'get it' as mentioned earlier 😉
hi @walkerl welcome feelfree to ask any question no question to small/large or to silly