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Hey Guys!


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Long time no speak! Hope your all doing well, I had some lasering done a couple of months ago and last check up was fine so back in 4 months, I also had the other side of my lip pierced 7 weeks ago, been out to the dentist today, I know newbies will be thinking big deal right! :rofl: but to the oldies that know me here and know I suffer badly with severe contamination OCD they'll know this is huge! Obviously still assisted by Bruce and anxiety levels still through the roof but it's nice to get out when I can manage with his help, he's not doing too well himself sadly, recurring ingrown toenail and also the poor bloke has now been told from a latest set of blood tests that he's wheat intolerant so big changes will likely need made (celiac going to be tested for) anyway just wanted to pop in and say hi as I know I'm pretty bad at that these days, sorry! Xxxx
Long time no speak! Hope your all doing well, I had some lasering done a couple of months ago and last check up was fine so back in 4 months, I also had the other side of my lip pierced 7 weeks ago, been out to the dentist today, I know newbies will be thinking big deal right! :rofl: but to the oldies that know me here and know I suffer badly with severe contamination OCD they'll know this is huge! Obviously still assisted by Bruce and anxiety levels still through the roof but it's nice to get out when I can manage with his help, he's not doing too well himself sadly, recurring ingrown toenail and also the poor bloke has now been told from a latest set of blood tests that he's wheat intolerant so big changes will likely need made (celiac going to be tested for) anyway just wanted to pop in and say hi as I know I'm pretty bad at that these days, sorry! Xxxx
Good to hear from you! Welcome back!
Good to hear you are doing OK and hopefully enjoying your new home with Bruce.
Despite the 'long time, no see' - I'm pleased you're still as OK-ish as you can be. Hugs to Bruce, darned painful things, ingrowing toenails.
Lovely to ‘see’ you again @Kaylz. Welcome back!
Sooooo good to hear from you @Kaylz and well done on all that you are managing to do. Very pleased.
Lovely to hear from you @Kaylz !

Well done on your piercing. You should feel proud of yourself.

Great to hear your laser surgery went well too <3

Sorry to hear about Bruce’s wheat woes, hope he gets some help and advice, and a good way forward as the checks clarify what’s up.