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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
has anyone got any views on the debate whether diabetes is hereditery or not?? both my parents were diabetics,myself and my siblings have all developed type 1 in our thirties. my concern is now for my children and whether they will devope it later on in life ,they are 15 and 12 at mo. any comments or opinions greatfully recieved. thanks :):)
I think the tendency towards diabetes is hereditary but it is hard to say whether any person will develop it or not. My dad was Type 1 and so am I, but my sister is not. Yet we both got the same virus at the same time, and it triggered my body to go into DKA but not hers.
As far as I know I'm the only person in my family with diabetes, including past generations and cousins etc. Plus, I got Type 1 at age 49 so as far as my personal situation goes there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it!
As far as I know I'm the only person in my family with diabetes, including past generations and cousins etc. Plus, I got Type 1 at age 49 so as far as my personal situation goes there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it!
i had previously been diagnosed as type2 but after a trip to the hosp with DKA was diagnosed type 1 and put on insulin. what puzzles me is that most type1s seem to develope it in childhood, but i was nearly 40 and my siblings were all older as well.... i thought type 2 was supposed to develope in later life, not type 1..??
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i do think diabetes is heredatary but i think it is difficult to prove insulin and nhs and proper diagnosis are all quite new really.
In my opinion diabetes is hereditery. My mother was a T1 and was dianosed with it late in life. I am a T2 and have got diabetes about 10 years earlier than my mum. I have already told my daughter, who's 12, that she could get diabetes and informed her that there are several health issues that I have and that my mum had and that if she has them then she is more than like to get diabetes. One of these issues is being overweight, I have lost about 2 stone since being diagnosed and my daughter is overweight as well, but she is disabled and is unable to do a lot of exercise but we are constantly told by her consultants that she has to loose weight - we are trying but its not easy when she is crying her eyes out as her whole body hurts and she's tired.
well there's no family history of diabetes in my family at all but i think that it can also be hereditery. I think mine was brought on by three viral infections within a year. I like you really hope that when I have children that they don't have it or get it later on and I was diagnosed at the age of 19.
I am the same as you, Northerner, diagnosed at 61(first as Type 2 then corrected to Type 1) no family history of Diabetes but they kept asking me in hospital if my parents etc were diabetic and they seemed to think it does run in families - just hope I haven't passed anything on to my children/grandchildren.
My father is and my mums brother is, but there has to be a first at some point. I keep an eye on my son just in case, but he reckons I'm worrying over nothing.
Well once I was diagnosed I asked my Mum (who is type 2) and apparently her Mum and Grandmother were also both type 2. So me being overweight and over 40 too, well, I didn't really stand a chance did I!
Hi Annemarie My mother was type 1 when i was born in 1943 it was 1964 when i was diagnosed with T I have 2 boys 42 & 39 and 5 Grand children between 18 & 7 and no problems with diabetes thank god
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no doubt in my mind

My sister was diagnosed with type 1 in september 1969 aged 4
My son was diagnosed with type 1 in september 2003 aged 4 .
My husband has no diabetes either type 1 or type 2 in his family.So yes I do believe it is in the genes our is just too alike not to be
type 1 at 42, firs diagnosed as type 2, presumed because of my age!

after being on this forum I cant believe how may are diagnosed later in life with type 1. Seems more common than even the docs think! he he

no family history as far as I know. But I do believe it can be hereditary as well, but as in my case not always
A few years ago I traced my birth family and found out I was the eldest of 10!! The 6 boys are all ok. All 4 girls have diabetes 2 type 1 and 2 type 2. Also my birth mother was diabetic type 2. I'm convinced of the hereditary factor!
well I think type 2 is recognised as often having an hereditary factor. It is also interesting to hear (as I did from my consultant yesterday) that there is work being done on how toxins, notably biophosphates,might prompt type 2 diabetes. This was in response to the Bhopal tradegy in India a few years ago. Many died, but they have discovered over the ensuing years that almost 100% of people in the fallout zone have now got type 2 diabetes. So it is an interesting thread, albeit not an hereditary one.
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