here i go again.....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
You are all probably sick of my carb questions by now but i have yet another one........

As i have been off work i have been doing alot of food testing this week and found i can get away with quite a few things! I have been experimenting with low carbing for the past few days and this is what i have been doing:

Breakfast - Eggs and bacon/Bacon and mushrooms/Ham and eggs ect... and NO INSULIN

Lunch - usually sandwich/wrap and crisps, or sandwich and piece of fruit (INSULIN)

Dinner - Veggies and some sort of meat, or a big salad with some protein - chicken/prawns and some nutsm maybe some cheese - anyway it fills me up and again NO INSULIN

Then i just keep myself topped up with a couple of biccies/fruit inbetween and since doing this my levels are ALOT better and more controlled!

So i was just wondering if this was ok for me to do, or SHOULD i be having more carbs and injecting insulin for them? just this way is working for me and i dont have to inject so much 🙂
Isn't your new diet very close to what used to be suggested for diabetics before MDI?

It sounds healthy and if it works for you and keeps you in range then it can't be bad!

Thanks, i was just worried as when i was first diagnosed i was told to eat carbs with every meal...but it wasn't working for me so did some tests and my levels hardly budge by eating these foods 🙂

but i think i will have to alter it slightly when i go back to work as i wil be alot more active, have to look at my basal dose so i dont go too low between meals
you sound so organised 🙂 well done! as long as you're happy with what you're eating, and your levels reflect that, i think that's brilliant. i could only wish for that!!!!
I am soo not organised lol but i am glad i have managed to get some good control seein as i only been diagnosed a short time 🙂

dont wanna speak too soon tho, i bet it will all go downhill as soon as i go back to work, things are never simple 🙄 i will be back complaining before ya know it! :D
you're probably still honey-mooning, which helps! you're not complaining, you're asking for help which is probably the most productive thing you an do!!
If it's working for you, stick at it. My only observation is that it may get boring eating eggs, bacon etc... every morning and, if you say you are still snacking on biscuits and fruit in between meals - even when you've had no insulin, maybe your long-acting is a bit high? But, if it works and you are happy that's got to be the best thing.
I don't get this carb counting malarky, I have asked my DSN but she says It's complicated and will look at it in the future.

In fact I don't even know what carbs are. Except I had twin weber carbs on my old morris

Anybody else got a DSN that isn't interested.
I don't get this carb counting malarky, I have asked my DSN but she says It's complicated and will look at it in the future.

In fact I don't even know what carbs are. Except I had twin weber carbs on my old morris

Anybody else got a DSN that isn't interested.

Hi Ypauly,

Your DSN doesnt sound like she knows what she is talking about to be honest. Carb counting is essential for a type 1 to work out their insulin dose. If I were you, I would let her know that you do want to learn as you will get much better control and you are willing to learn!🙂Bev
Hi Ypauly,

Your DSN doesnt sound like she knows what she is talking about to be honest. Carb counting is essential for a type 1 to work out their insulin dose. If I were you, I would let her know that you do want to learn as you will get much better control and you are willing to learn!🙂Bev
My appointment woes are well documented on here, I got to see her about 6 weeks ago and did ask then, but she only does surgery once a week, the rest of the time she is on the wards.
I'M waiting for the postcode lottery to end so I can move hospitals.
My appointment woes are well documented on here, I got to see her about 6 weeks ago and did ask then, but she only does surgery once a week, the rest of the time she is on the wards.
I'M waiting for the postcode lottery to end so I can move hospitals.

Sorry - I must have missed your thread about this. If you want to teach yourself how to carb count then we are all here to help. It really is very easy once you get the hang of it. Most carbs are on the packets and easy to work out. Do you just have set doses of insulin for each meal?🙂Bev
Sorry - I must have missed your thread about this. If you want to teach yourself how to carb count then we are all here to help. It really is very easy once you get the hang of it. Most carbs are on the packets and easy to work out. Do you just have set doses of insulin for each meal?🙂Bev

I wouldn't mind knowing what they are, I have read many many threads on them. But none tell me what they are or what they do, are they good/bad under nornal circumstances and what is different for a diabetic.
I wouldn't mind knowing what they are, I have read many many threads on them. But none tell me what they are or what they do, are they good/bad under nornal circumstances and what is different for a diabetic.

okay, i'm no expert, but i think i have the basics: carbs are what your body needs for basic fuel ie to transport oxygen round the body. carbs (in pretty much any form) are what causes your blood sugars to rise, and insulin is there to balance out that rise and bring your levels back down to being 'in range'.

carb counters take a certain amount of insulin for set amount of carbs, e.g. in the evenings i have 1 unit of novorapid for every 10g carbs i eat. the ratios vary greatly from person to person, although a lot of people start out on a ratio of taking 1 unit for every 15g carbs. you work out if this is too much/too little by looking at your 2 hour post-meal tests - if it is much lower than your pre-meal test, you may want to reduce the amount of insulin, or if it's too high you may need to increase it.

you sound as if you'd be willing to give this a bash - please ask as many questions as you like - there are a lot of people on here who know what they are talking about, so ask away!
I don't get this carb counting malarky, I have asked my DSN but she says It's complicated and will look at it in the future.

In fact I don't even know what carbs are. Except I had twin weber carbs on my old morris

Anybody else got a DSN that isn't interested.

This is exactly what i was told from mine, so i took it onto my own hands and started to learn by myself and with the help of the good people of this forum 🙂 I'm working on a basis of 10g carb to 1 unit of novarapid, for example for lunch i had:

Bacon sandwich - 1 piece bread = 15g carbs so 2 slices it is 30g carbs = 3 unit novarapid

the best thing to do is test before you eat, and again 2 hours after to see how different foods effect you, as everyone is different 🙂

Carbs are food chemicals that get passed into your blood as 'glucose' when you eat them (i.e. the things that make your blood glucose higher). They usually consist of potato, rice, sugar or pasta-based foods.
Alternatively, there's a wonderfully complicated chemical definition I learned in lectures once, but I can't remember it any more, which shows how useful it was.

If you know how many grammes of carbs you're eating, you can work out the appropriate number of units to put into yourself to keep your blood sugar down (mine is 0.75 units per 10g of carbs for breakfast and lunch, and 1:1 or sometimes more at night).
You either need to eat a lot of foods from packets to start with (they have the carb content handily written on the side) or use one of those carb-counting pocket-books and weigh your food.

You don't need to weigh your food forever, just 'til you know what e.g. 100g pasta looks like.....

You are fast becomming an expert at this! - it sounds a bit like an Atkins diet (i.e. you are avoiding carbs so you don't have to inject?) but it sounds healthy enough. You are sooo lucky not to need to inejct all the time..... if you ARE still 'honeymooning' as someone previously suggested, you might suddenly find that this stops working for you, but don't worry it might never happen, just be prepared to be flexible if it does.....
You are fast becomming an expert at this! - it sounds a bit like an Atkins diet (i.e. you are avoiding carbs so you don't have to inject?) but it sounds healthy enough. You are sooo lucky not to need to inejct all the time..... if you ARE still 'honeymooning' as someone previously suggested, you might suddenly find that this stops working for you, but don't worry it might never happen, just be prepared to be flexible if it does.....

:D well its all down to the help of you guys, i have learned more from this forum then i have done from my healthcare team...! i have been reading about all this stuff since coming out of hospital as well, i was determined to find out all i could about it as i was a mess when i first got diagnosed. i guess u could say it was like atkins (though i would never follow that ever) but im still eating chocolate and stuff too i doubt thats in his diet lol but i just dont over do it!

i feel good that im starting to give some advice on the forum as well 🙂 rather than just asking questions all the time lol
Thank you, I will bring it up again at some point with my DSN but all prior knowledge will help.

It sounds like you are doing really well and eating quite well too and for someone who's just been diagnosed you are very clued up I didn't really want to know about diabetes when I was first diagnosed x
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