Here I am

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have returned, for somewhat more regular postings and lurkings. So what's been going on with me d-wise?

Levels are dropping like a stone in the heat despite having less insulin. I feel like I can't win. I know my basal is now ok, at least - 16u Levemir. If I change it one unit either way then levels will be all over the place again. Stupid insulin sensitivity.

Appointment at B-Dec is on WEDNESDAY. I'm both scared and excited over this as I'm still unsure what they will say to me. the OH printed my case off at work for me today and I've been reading over it. I definitely have a strong case in my eyes, and probably in alot of yours too, but its a matter of whether they see it or not.

The forgotten tablet wasn't forgotten afterall.

I saw a lovely doctor today and had a nice chat with her about all things diabetes, and she had a look at my feet. I seem to have an issue with nasty blisters on my heel that itch and have like...water in them. They're proper tiny too. She's not sure what it is, but because of the neruopathy (thats not causing any issues right now hurrah), she's prescribed me betnovate (a steroid creme) and some other one incase its a fungal thing. ew.

I still have a huge pile of stress - money is exceptionally tight and both rent and c/tax are due next week which will leave me with nothing left of my nans inheritance and literally a few quid left in my current account. Its playing havok with my levels, particularly as I'm stressing so much over it and JSA won't actually give me any money... Plus, I'm having issues with you know who again but she's not getting any more spoons wasted on her!

I'm not sure what to do over the money situ. New job starts a week on monday, and first payday will be 25th June. A while off yet and I'm not entirely sure what to do. I have my credit card to lean on for food shopping etc but I hate using it.

So yeah. What's up peeps?
hey sam nice to see you back ...🙂 good luck next week with RBS xx
Hi Sam, have been off the forum a while too. sorry to hear about the stress-causers - would they give you a sub? Have you tried citizen's advice bureau for support with financial issues?
Welcome back Sam, sorry to hear about your financial woes but grats on the job, hope it all goes well for you.
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