helping a probable new t1/t1 LADA

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA

A friend of mine (he's 46, thin to underweight) has, at the end of a few years worth of
health oddness and intolerances, got a hb1ac done at a pharmacists and the result
was 137. This equates to an averaged 90 day bg level of over 20mmol. They said
at the pharmacist 'see your GP', he tries to see a doctor but gets directed to see nurse.

Nurse won't do anything without a blood test first. I presume their blood test is the only
one they'll consider valid. Closest blood test appointment is mid-September.
Is there any way to get an actionable blood test done sooner?
Was it a proper HbA1c test (blood from a vein tested in a lab) or a finger prick type? I'd be surprised if a pharmacy was offering the former & understandable the surgery would want a proper test if the latter. Experience on these forums with such tests kits isn't very positive. Does he have any symptoms such as fatigue, excessive thirst &/or urination?

If those levels are correct then he's at great risk of DKA & should maybe consider a visit to A&E. At the very least buy some ketostix to test ketones & maybe have a simple fasting blood glucose test at another pharmacy. NHS 111 maybe able to help with expediting a blood test.
Given that DKA can be life threatening I think A&E might be the best option, just to be on the safe side.

A friend of mine (he's 46, thin to underweight) has, at the end of a few years worth of
health oddness and intolerances, got a hb1ac done at a pharmacists and the result
was 137. This equates to an averaged 90 day bg level of over 20mmol. They said
at the pharmacist 'see your GP', he tries to see a doctor but gets directed to see nurse.

Nurse won't do anything without a blood test first. I presume their blood test is the only
one they'll consider valid. Closest blood test appointment is mid-September.
Is there any way to get an actionable blood test done sooner?
Hello @void ,

I would highly suggest your friend go to A and E. That's a very high HbA1c and like others have said, DKA is serious.
yep, I've told him to do this (when he mentioned the high hb1ac I said "go to a&e". As to whether he does this, is up to him. I've articulated as much as I can wrt the danger he's in.
Hi. A&E is the best bet but if they are totally overloaded as many are have you told your surgery that the need for the blood test is very urgent due to DKA risk? My surgery would get someone to see you the same day, we are lucky, and a nurse practitioner/prescriber can setup an HBA1C blood test as well as a GP. In the meantime your friend needs to seriously reduce all carbs and drink plenty of water.
Hi. A&E is the best bet but if they are totally overloaded as many are have you told your surgery that the need for the blood test is very urgent due to DKA risk? My surgery would get someone to see you the same day, we are lucky, and a nurse practitioner/prescriber can setup an HBA1C blood test as well as a GP. In the meantime your friend needs to seriously reduce all carbs and drink plenty of water.
It's not me - I'm asking on behalf of a friend.

From what he says, they weren't much interested (but that could very well be him and his own attitude to the issue). I don't know exactly, precisely, what was said.

On the "lucky" aspect: It shouldn't be a measure of 'luck' to get a needed test done the same day, this should be basic care. I think at least part of the reason he has the attitude he has is because he's been led in circles by either wrong information or information that is inaccurate because it's incomplete, and because in his experience he can't get this at least on the way to getting sorted in a timely manner.
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