Helper protein worsens diabetic eye disease

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In a recent study using mice, lab-grown human retinal cells and patient samples, Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists say they found evidence of a new pathway that may contribute to degeneration of the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. The findings, they conclude, bring scientists a step closer to developing new drugs for a central vision-destroying complication of diabetes that affects an estimated 750,000 Americans.

The Johns Hopkins research team focused on diabetic macular edema, a form of swelling and inflammation that occurs in people with diabetes when blood vessels in the eye leak their fluids into the portion of the retina that controls detailed vision.

Current therapies for this disease block the protein VEGF, which contributes to abnormal blood vessel growth. However, because the treatment is not adequate for more than half of patients with diabetic macular edema, investigators have long suspected that more factors drive vision loss in these patients.

This is my problem - macular oedema - hurry up with that new treatment! 😱 🙂
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