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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I've gone from 2.2 at 3am to 12.7 10 minutes ago, yesterday was much the same with a range between 2.4 and 11.0. I've been up and down like a yoyo all day, feeling sick and dizzy, sweaty and shaking. Can't eat, the very thought makes me feel queasy. Can't get an appointment at docs before Friday unless there's a cancelation! I've been trying to distract myself playing stupid games on Facebook (it's all your fault that!😉). I don't know what to do with myself and I think I may now have a reference for what a three day bender might feel like. Anyone got any idea what might be going on? I do have a bit of a cold, but no temp or anything, just a slight sniffle.

I'd been doing so well too, with my numbers all sixes and sevens. I'm really upset and don't know what the H*** is happening.
Perhaps it's your recalcitrant pancreas playing silly beggars and putting out some extra insulin? Were you advised what to do about your medication if you started going low, for example, are you allowed to reduce the dose? 2.2 is very low, so I can only think that the medication is coming into play there and increasing the efffect of your own insulin.

People have different reactions to illness - some go low and some go the opposite way. When I had a cold the other week my levels were perfect, which isn't supposed to happen! If you're not able to eat, try sipping lucozade or equivalent to keep your levels up. Hope someone with some better advice comes along, and that you are feeling better soon 🙂
I'm not on very high dosages at the moment, 1000mg Glucophage and 100mg Sitagliptin, but that's a question I'll ask the doctor on Friday. I hate Lucozade! Is there anything else I could have? I'm getting plenty of fluids, mainly water and tea, though I did have a little apple juice at lunchtime.

It's the bounce from 2.2 to 12.7 that scares me mostly. I tested when I got back from walking the dog, I did it twice so I know it's right.
Theres non fizzy lucozade which you might like. the sport ones. might not work as fast but will still work
Hi Alison,
What are you treating the hypo's with? It could be that you are over treating and causing the high later. Also, if you have a hypo - you are more likely to have another one in the next 24 hours. So it is better to run yourself a little higher than normal for a few hours. You could always have 3 jelly babies or a mini can of coke to treat the hypo if you dont like lucozade. Hope you feel better soon.🙂Bev
What about ice cream or ice lollies? Digestives? I wouldn't worry too much about the 12.7, it's not hugely high. It may be due to the fact you've not been eating and you've had a response from your liver to boost your BG because it thinks you're starving. Is there such a thing as a walk-in centre where you live - Friday seems like a long time to have to wait - or maybe ring again and see if there are any cancellations?
Thanks girls, I'll see if I can find some mini cans or non fizzy Lucozade. I didn't have any sweets or anything in last night so I had a slice of toast with honey. Then I was sick half an hour later and haven't eaten since.
alison jst being nosey but how regular are the hypos, and did they start with change of meds, jusi i thought it was very uncommom for type 2s to have hypos unless on gliclazide etc etc.
They can happen on Sitagliptin as well but are rarer. This is only the second I've had in the two months since they put me on the new drug regime. I have had a couple of low fours but mostly, I've been waking at around 6.2 and not getting higher than 7.6 for weeks now. I was getting to be quite pleased about it, thinking things were improving and... BAM!!!, it all goes pear shaped again.
I hope you are feeling better soon and that your bm's go back to what they were x
Woke at 11.9, now 8.7. No hypo last night, But I do have a stinking cold, a rotten headache and a very nasty cough.
I'm glad that you didn't have a hypo last night. I hope that the cold goes away soon x
Woke at 11.9, now 8.7. No hypo last night, But I do have a stinking cold, a rotten headache and a very nasty cough.

It does sound as though the cold has played its part, as yesterday's sniffle is now stinking!😱 Hope it passes soon and you can get back to those good, consistent numbers 🙂
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