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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Can anyone advise what to do?

Alex blood g was 2.5 half an hour ago. This is the lowest he has ever been. Rang hosp to ask if we give the same amount of levermere tonight or not - they are getting back to me. He usually has 8 units at 9 o clock so i am hoping the hosp ring before 10 as that will be his 24 hours up. Any advice please? Bev

Been diagnosed type 1 since 1993 and irrespective of blood sugars do not adjust levemir in the evening. Would sort the hypo out with few sweets or sports drink. Would also be interested to know what others do.

Hope all is ok.
Obviously go with what the hospitalsay but personally I wouldn't alter my background following one hypo unless it occurred overnight. I assume you've got his levels back up since the hypo so I'd say keep an eye on it before bed and if you're concerned he may drop overnight then have a 10g snack or so before bed to keep him a little higher.

Thanks to you both, and sorry for panicking! I was just really worried as he didnt even show symptoms until i said do his levels- then after that i gave him 5 jelly babies and 2 biscuits and about an inch of milk. The hosp just rang me and said keep the levemer the same. Logically i know this, but i was just panicking.
I think i know the reason why he was low, he had been playing on a hill in the snow for about an hour - he had a cereal bar before but obviously it wasnt enough - so another lesson learnt. Thanks again. Bev
Good to hear Alex is fine, must be a worry for you, over time it will become less of a worry! with knowledge and practice, it does take time.
If I was that low I know I'm pretty hungry! I would need a bit more carbohydrate but i'm 38
I would have toast as well.
Good someone enjoyed the snow today, we only have cms here.
Thanks catwoman,

The most odd thing was that he didnt even show any symptoms this time. Normally when is is around 4 he starts to shake etc..I have read on here thats its a worry when you dont feel symptoms - after doing the test he did go very pale and wanted to sleep so i suppose thats a reaction - but i worry that he didnt feel anything before that. This learning curve is getting bigger lol! Bev
The signs are not always constant Bev. I have had the shakes and felt faint and hungry at 4.1 and at other times I don't notice any symptoms until about 3.0

Glad to hear all seems OK and you realise the exercise relationship.
Thanks catwoman,

The most odd thing was that he didnt even show any symptoms this time. Normally when is is around 4 he starts to shake etc..I have read on here thats its a worry when you dont feel symptoms - after doing the test he did go very pale and wanted to sleep so i suppose thats a reaction - but i worry that he didnt feel anything before that. This learning curve is getting bigger lol! Bev

I usually have very good warning signs but occasionally I will go very low without any warnings, usually if I've been distracted my something fun or involved so fun in the snow could have just distracted his body enough that it didn't register the signs when it usually would.

And very jealous of the snow, we didn't get much here at all, crossing my fingers for the next few days...'

Thanks to you both, and sorry for panicking! I was just really worried as he didnt even show symptoms until i said do his levels- then after that i gave him 5 jelly babies and 2 biscuits and about an inch of milk. The hosp just rang me and said keep the levemer the same. Logically i know this, but i was just panicking.
I think i know the reason why he was low, he had been playing on a hill in the snow for about an hour - he had a cereal bar before but obviously it wasnt enough - so another lesson learnt. Thanks again. Bev
Whatever my BS levels are at night I always take my 12 units of Levemir. 🙂 Just means a constant amount of Levemir so I can be sure of what affect it is having on my BS levels in the morning.

I know what you mean about how he got the low BS levels. On Monday I went into town to do some photocopying for Mum and then some shopping. I had a coat and gloves on. I decided to have a Crunchie on the way out. A bit naughty but considering the cold temperatures I thought this would help. It came to lunch and my BS was 3.5. Even with the Crunchie. OK so the Crunchie may have had a shorter boost but I was still shocked that the level was so low.

And I've noticed recently that I don't always feel the symptoms of a hypo. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. There are times when I have a low BS level and I don't feel it and times I have another hypo but the BS level is actually higher this time and I feel it. Weird.
Two things we've noticed: my son occasionally doesn't feel a hypo if he is distracted (on xbox! or concentrating on something); also, we've been told and found it to be true that the 'border' of the hypo feelings lower as his overall bg levels are dropping to within target range. Before he felt shaky at 5 or even 6 -- now he regularly notices at 3.5 or 4, but has had the occasional drop to 3 and not noticed it. Something he does seem to have tuned into is that he feels it when it's dropping, so several times now has known it's going down, measures, stops, has a snack. He's getting a feel for when he can leave something, and when he needs to do something about it.

Terrifying though. It scares me to watch him recovering from a hypo sometimes -- I think oh lord it's not going to work this time. Which is completely irrational. But I want to make it go away quick. Sometimes he feels just awful with them, terrible.
Something he does seem to have tuned into is that he feels it when it's dropping, so several times now has known it's going down, measures, stops, has a snack. He's getting a feel for when he can leave something, and when he needs to do something about it.
Precisely what I've found. I believe I feel it when the blood sugar is falling below my target levels.
Exeter Hand Book

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