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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I asked in the pub thread but i know some dont use it , i have had pear drop taste in my mouth now for about an hour , is that bad? my stix are out of date that test for ketones

Help someone???
Is your blood sugar high? Have you tried the sticks? Remember the result might not be totally reliable.

If you are concerned call your out of hours service, or NHS direct/
I asked in the pub thread but i know some dont use it , i have had pear drop taste in my mouth now for about an hour , is that bad? my stix are out of date that test for ketones

Help someone???

I'd try using the sticks anyway, even if they're out of date as that might give you some indication. How are your blood sugars?
While you're not sure if it's ketones or not drink plenty of water to be on the safe side and maybe call NHS Direct if you're not feeling good.
I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as the others on here, but put simply, I thought pear drops taste = ketones, in which case, aren't you sposed to drink lots of water to try and flush 'em out?

Hope you're feeling better soon Steff.

I agree, try the keytone sticks anyway Steff.

Whats your sugar?
before i was diagonsed i always had the pear like taste in my breath, and also like almond taste, i would defo ring nhs direct steff, hope everything is okay

A pear smell or taste is definitely a sign of high blood glucose.

Yep definitely use the out of date sticks, they can still work sometimes so I have been told, pear drops is ketones definitely and if I were you, I would ring the ward you were on last week and let them know. They will then make an note you have rung (ask them too) just in case you need to go back.

Start drinking water, flush them ketones out and I guess ring NHS direct as well. Better to be safe than sorry.

The first test for ketones is the pear drop breath :(

Please will you then get a proper ketone blood test kit, the Optium Xceed. If you ring the company you will be able to blag one for free. I blagged two then got the name of the rep and blagged 15 off of him and gave them out to the people in this area who were still using the wee strips, if I can do it, then so can you, or get oh to do it ! 🙂
My bs is 16.3, gotta test again i missed the stick ,😡
Do you have to do it like that, sorry to be explicit but can't you use a jug or something and stick it in that.

Sorry guys but you must have this part easy. 🙂
Thats high enough for ketones - but not crazy high. Let us know what the sticks say.🙂Bev
i have traces . Do i get over panicked ??
No - traces are small amounts - but you must drink at least a pint of water over the next 2 hours to keep them down. Keep checking with the sticks though.🙂Bev
No - traces are small amounts - but you must drink at least a pint of water over the next 2 hours to keep them down. Keep checking with the sticks though.🙂Bev

thx bev im sat here armed with a 2 litre bottle of highland water , why am i getting ketones?
i have traces . Do i get over panicked ??

Difficult to say entirely, that's the issue with the urine strips, they're behind what is currently happening (by the time the ketones have got that far if you get what I mean...) so it could be that you did have ketones and they've now gone, or that they're still there. Trace ketones in general though shouldn't be too much of an issue though. Keeping testing regularly to see if you can get an idea of where they're heading. And keep drinking that water!

How do you feel in yourself, any sickness, breathlessness etc? If you feel ok in yourself I wouldn't unduly worry but maybe do call NHS Direct to see if they suggest anything, at least you'll have a call logged with them if anything should change later....?
Hi Steff sorry to hear your are not feeling good again. No you have a number for a diabetic registrar on call at your hospital at all - if so I would try phoning them. I guess as your were dealt with by your GP you would not. I would call NHS direct just to be careful.
They could be starvation ketones if you havent been eating much. Or it could be because either your meds are wrong or you may need insulin if you have stopped making it yourself. You need to ask when the c-peptide tests are back - because then they will be able to diagnose if your type 1 or 2. If your body is defficient in insulin you will get ketones.🙂Bev
Thank you im away to lie in bed with my bottle , i dont feel any brethelesness or nothing no Aymes , the peptide was only done a sat so i guess if i ring and ask for a more specific date the tests are due back then i cant see why they would'nt tell me
keep drinking steff and keep eye on those levels aswell ...considering last weeks situation i would be very careful xxx GWS
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