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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guy's i put the last thread in the wrong place so here it is again and thanks Andy.
Any help or advice will be very welcome.
I've been type 2 for about 2 years, i was on diet and exercise, but the doc's put me on Metformin slow release for a fair while, then they upped the dose. it was then that i started getting stomach cramps and depression.So they stopped Metformin which did the trick and started me on Gliclazide ( 1 in the morning ) then they upped the dose to ( 1 1/2 in the morning ) then they upped the dose to ( 1 1/2 in the morning and 1 at night ) still not much better but started feeling unwell again and waking up in the night with a full bladder and really bad stomach cramps so after examination the doc upped it to ( 2 in the morning and 2 at night ) and said it was because of poor diabetes control. Then the cramps got really bad, al;most unbearable, i've never experienced pain like it near the middle of the chest. I went back to the doc's and was put on Lansoprazole and was told to keep taking the Gliclazide. Honestly the pain was so bad i wanted to book myself into the hospital and spent a couple of nights on the settee. But then i thought lets stop the tablets and see if it's those that is causing the problems again like the Metformin. After a day the stomach cramps had nearly gone and i did'nt get up at night because my bladder was full. I've altered my diet and not eating after about 6 o clock. I'm trying diet and exercise again without telling the doc. bought a new push bike and lost about half a stone. My morning readings before breakfast are between( 6 and 9 with one at 5.4 ) 2 hours after breakfast about the same but after a 3 mile walk i was having a hypo 4.1 and the readings on my urine sticks are negative. and this is without any tablets. But i did have a reading of 12.5 but that was 2 hours after dinner i think i had too many potatoes.
Blood test (tomorrow morning at 9 ) am i doing right or wrong ? i can't have the pain of the last week, it's unbearable just like a hot knife being left in your stomach. i thought it maybe the Gliclazide was upsetting my pancreas " if it can do that" ? the docs don't seem much help, any ideas anyone. Again thanks Andy you seem to have had the same prob's
Regards Mick
Hi Mick,

Gliclazide does stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin, so it is quite reasonable for your pancreas 'not to appreciate it' (putting it in strictly medical terms!).

What kind of potatoes do you eat? Have you tried new potatoes? They have a lower gi than old potatoes and being smaller tend to help portion control too (I usually have three of them for my main meal).

Hi Andy
I had old potatoes mashed but not really that much, just as a matter of interest why did you stop the tablets were you having problems?
I didn't have any of the symptoms that you describe (thank goodness!).

What happened with me was that over Christmas and beyond, my readings were really behaving themselves (i.e. waking up to bg's in the 5's and two hrs after meals bg's in the 5's, 6's and 7's ). Being Christmas, there were plenty of pretty bad carbs available and whilst I wasn't going mad, I wasn't restricting myself either.

Then, at the end of January, I went on my usual 1hr walk after lunch. I walked it briskly but on the way back hit a 'brick wall' in terms of energy. It felt like a hypo, but when I tested myself it was 4.9 (not bad at all). Now, I'd just had lunch so wasn't expecting it to be that low. I jumped to another conclusion that one of the effects of the metformin is that it restricts glucose release from the liver and wondered whether that was the cause of my weakness.

Anyway, that's when I decided to stop taking the metformin. My bg readings since then have all (bar one --> when I'd had a few sweets --> 8.9) been in the 4's, 5's, 6's & 7's (overall average = 5.6, before meals = 5.0 and two hours after meals = 5.9).

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Some tablets do upset the system and you have side effects. They normal settle within a couple of months. I find it helpful to read the patient information leaflets that come with the tablets just to make myself aware.

I find too many simple carbs (like sugar) upset my tummy too as my system is trying to get rid of the excess it doesn't need.

You are wise keeping in touch with your doctor. many people find it helpful to keep a diary as it helps to pinpoint any problems, although it sounds as thoe the tablets are the cause. I know it is not convinient to gert out of bed half way through the night to use the bathroom, but do keep up your sugar free fluids (especially water) as it all helps to keep the system flushed out.
Did your Dr actually check whether you had been having high sugars when he/she upped the dose. Sounds like they assumed that your stomach ache was caused by high sugars as opposed to being a side-effect of the meds.

If you are managing to keep your levels in range with no meds I would imagine you Dr would be pleased. You should try and get your Dr to report your issues as a side-effect even though it would appear to be a known one.
Hi Margie
You've hit the nail on the head.
One doctor said it was because my blood sugars were to high the other gave me Lansoprazole which is a reflux medication i believe. and said she did'nt think it was the tablets. Strange that the pain has gone now i've stopped the tablets myself just as a trial. Blood test today but waiting for results next week,they've put a prostate test into that as well. They took the bloods for the diabetes and forgot to do the prostate so had to do another sample of blood from the left arm because they had took the needle out of the right. My fingers are so sore with the constant testing i suppose everyone else has the same problem. But i find that testing constantly is making me feel depressed. Can anyone tell me how diabetes affects family life. do wives/ husbands/partners understand how a diabetic feels or is it just that i can't cope with this disease and are making life hard for the rest of my loved ones.
The effects of diabetes on family life will vary from family to family. Its all down to the individuals involved.

Some people will find their OHs supportive and others not. My OH copes best by acting like an ostrich. In fact he has become so tuned out that he doesn't notice when I inject. He told a nurse I took tablets and was most surprised when I said that was as well as not instead of the injections.

If you are finding it hard adjusting you could ask to see a counsellor - I know that my local clinic has posters up with numbers - you could ask your Dr, or you might be able to find a local support group. There is a search facility on this link from diabetes UK.
Hi Mick,

Sorry that you seem to be having such a miserable time. You're right, Lansoprazole is usually give for relux, but in general it protects the lining of the stomach from attack by acid, by reducing the ammount of acid in your stomach. This might have an effect on how your other tablets are being taken up by your body. Unfortunately, nearly all diabetes pills have stomach aches, nausea and gastric disturbances high on thier list of side effects.
Both Metformin and Gliclazide come as modified release formulations, which might help.
I've also been type two for 18 months, and i'm begining to worry about my blood glucose levels creeping after being under pretty good control. I think you're doing the best thing, by investigating and analysing your blood sugar levels yourself.
I'm single so i can't say how i think a spouse or partner would react to their loved one being diabetic. I'd hope that if i was with someone, they'd be supportive and understanding, like i'd hope to be if the situation was reversed. In some ways i think it helps to have somebody to watch over your shoulder, i pretty much have to look after myself. I do have to rely on my family for emotional support, and sometimes i do worry that i'm being a burden on them, but hey, that's what families are for.
Hope you feel better soon, sometimes it's just a matter of working out what drug/dose is best for you in terms of effectiveness and minimising side effects.

Hi Rachel.
Got my blood test results today. blood sugars ok, liver function a lot better, cholesterol normal. But most of all Prostate results negative. Thank God!I am over the moon with these results, and all this by loosing half a stone and watching my diet. so it must have been the tablets causing the problems, glad i stopped taking them, i don't seem to be able to handle the higher doses. So i'm seeing the doc on Thursday to see if i can keep on diet and exercise providing my levels keep ok. Yippppeeee! Regards Mick
Hi Rachel.
Got my blood test results today. blood sugars ok, liver function a lot better, cholesterol normal. But most of all Prostate results negative. Thank God!I am over the moon with these results, and all this by loosing half a stone and watching my diet. so it must have been the tablets causing the problems, glad i stopped taking them, i don't seem to be able to handle the higher doses. So i'm seeing the doc on Thursday to see if i can keep on diet and exercise providing my levels keep ok. Yippppeeee! Regards Mick

Great result there Mick well done x keep up the good work
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