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Pump handy

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am at a loss what to do and now i am panicking, my blood sugar has risen every day for 5 days after my dinner around 7pm rising to 12.5. (i usually eat my dinner 6.30pm ish) i usually have very good control 6.5-8.8 on average after dinner. I am on cgm at the moment, but i have increased basal. What time should I increase basal and i want to change my ratio. Can anyone explain to me if i change 1/15 to 1/8 ratio have i increased or decreased the insulin intake. Thanks Ella
Hi and welcome Pump handy. Sorry I can't help but wanted to say hi. People who are on pumps should be along soon. Just in case it helps them , what pump do you use
I am at a loss what to do and now i am panicking, my blood sugar has risen every day for 5 days after my dinner around 7pm rising to 12.5. (i usually eat my dinner 6.30pm ish) i usually have very good control 6.5-8.8 on average after dinner. I am on cgm at the moment, but i have increased basal. What time should I increase basal and i want to change my ratio. Can anyone explain to me if i change 1/15 to 1/8 ratio have i increased or decreased the insulin intake. Thanks Ella
Yes you will nearly double your insulin
You need to change your basal at least 2 hours before the rise starts.

Do not change your ratio until you have checked your basal by doing a basal test. This is no 1 rule of pumping basal first. If you start changing ratios and basals at the same time you wont know what's wrong and just confuse the issue.
Also if you are going high 30 mins after eating then it's obviously not your bolus causing the problem.
I hope you are actually finger testing and not relying on the cgm for the readings as they can be far from accurate at times.
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You need to change your basal at least 2 hours before the rise starts.

Do not change your ratio until you have checked your basal by doing a basal test. This is no 1 rule of pumping basal first. If you start changing ratios and basals at the same time you wont know what's wrong and just confuse the issue.
Also if you are going high 30 mins after eating then it's obviously not your bolus causing the problem.
I hope you are actually finger testing and not relying on the cgm for the readings as they can be far from accurate at times.

Agree entirely about only changing one thing at a time. I'm not sure though Sue why you say that it isn't the bolus?
I'm not sure though Sue why you say that it isn't the bolus?
Eating at 6.30 pm and the rise is 12+ by 7 pm then the bolus even if bloused 30 mins before the meal the bolus would not have kicked in by then neither would the food have had time to hit the blood stream in 30 minutes.
Hang on Sue - it rather depends on what you ate and your own body - Novorapid starts lowering my BG after about 10 minutes - if I'm 4 before lunch - usually a normal bread sandwich which although the packet says it's 17.8g a slice - my body always treats as 15g - I can't possibly have my bolus until I am literally about to start eating and in fact once the meter strip's got my blood on it - I need to start eating before it's even started calculating. Well I needn't, but then I'll have to drink Lucozade I don't want and finish my sandwich after!
Eating at 6.30 pm and the rise is 12+ by 7 pm then the bolus even if bloused 30 mins before the meal the bolus would not have kicked in by then neither would the food have had time to hit the blood stream in 30 minutes.
Food definitely hits my bloodstream within 30 minutes!
I am at a loss what to do and now i am panicking, my blood sugar has risen every day for 5 days after my dinner around 7pm rising to 12.5. (i usually eat my dinner 6.30pm ish) i usually have very good control 6.5-8.8 on average after dinner. I am on cgm at the moment, but i have increased basal. What time should I increase basal and i want to change my ratio. Can anyone explain to me if i change 1/15 to 1/8 ratio have i increased or decreased the insulin intake. Thanks Ella
Depends on what you have eaten & always use a split dose. A very good feature on a pump. good luck Ella
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