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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Just realised J didn't have novorapid with his breakfast 1 1/2 hours ago, first day of school hols and completely forgot about on earth did that happen?
Just tested him, he's 23. Given him 1.5 units correcting dose.
Anything else I should do? Will it mess his BG up for rest of day?

First, don't feel bad or horrible, it's very easily done. I suspect you need advice quickly and I don't know enough to give it to you - NHS 24 or your local diabetes nurses?

I find that something like that does infringe on the rest of the day,although the next proper meal often sorts it out. If my glucose is high before my next meal, I sometimes add on a unit or two then to help bring it down. But I'm not an 8-year0old child so I guess professional opinion would be better!
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Keep him fairly quiet until is is below ~14. Any form of exercise at his current level could push it higher! Plenty of sugar free drinks would also be helpful.

Don't panic, we've all done that (well I have a few times over the years). I presume you have been sorting it.

I would have given the correction you did and would be testing hourly. Every two hourly, on a pump we would be bolusing a correction but only every two hourly. I guess I would maybe be doing the same until lunch when hopefully you can get things back on track. Loads of water and possibly testing for ketones as well.

Hope you are ok and all is back to normal.
well he's 15.8 two hours after lunch and he had an extra half unit with lunch so have given him another unit as a correcting dose and will keep an eye on his BG.

Hopefully by tea time he should be back on track.

I can't believe we all forgot or why I suddenly remembered whilst standing in the shower!

Not the start to school hols I was hoping for!

Thanks for advice.

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