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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Alex is hypo and i cant get him up. He was 2.1 and had a can of coke. Then 3 after 10 minutes. He looks awful and is shaking so i have given him some glugotabs x 3 and will test again in 10 minutes - but he always comes up after coke. He has been active since 2pm today and then trampolene for 2 hours. What food should i give to get him through the night? I was thinking toast? Bev
Bev you are doing the right things, keep testing and repeating the treatment until he gets in range. I think toast is a good idea to avoid the short peak of those rapid carbohydrates and coming back down again.

If at any stage you cant rouse him and cant get him to swallow drink or food dont be afraid to dial 999.

Keep us posted. Thinking of you xx
Crossing my fingers for you. Hope he's okay.
Hi Bev

You're doing all the right things, we all get those hypos that just don't seem to want to come back up, but they do eventually so it's a case of persevering and testing until you get there. It may just be he was still dropping from the exercise (and heat if your weather was anything like ours today) which is why the coke didn't bring him up as you would have expected. Slower acting carbs to see him over the night sound like a good idea. If it were me I'd probably want to go to bed higher than usual to be on the safe side.

Let us know how you're getting on.
Well i have just tested him again and he is 5 - but that is after a little packet of biscuits - 15cho - so i am just giving him 2 pieces of toast and some milk - probably over the top - but i would rather he was a little high overnight than have a hypo. Thanks all. Bev
Sorry bev, only just saw this - hope all is OK with A, I think you have done what I would have.
eek bev hope he is okay through the night!

i always find lows are a good excuse for honey or jam on toast, one of my favourite things in the world! then i get the mix of fast and slow carbs.
Just a quick update. After he had the toast and milk he went up to 10! This morning he was 15 - oops i overdid it with the toast i think.😱

Obviously we are used to hypo's - but the one last night seemed very stubborn - any other time he has coke it brings him up to 6 or 7 within minutes - but this one wouldnt shift! So i probably over-compensated.

He had been playing in the river with his friends for hours and then trampolening - so i think it was all a bit too much. Also he didnt want to sit still mid-hypo last night as his friends were staying over and he was excited! Oh well, it keeps me on my toes!

Thanks for all the replies - much appreciated. :DBev
Glad to hear he's OK bev, thanks for the update🙂 I've only had one hypo like that, it can certainly panic you for a bit, hope the next one happens...never!🙂
Hi Bev ..

Glad to hear A is feeling much better this morning .. 🙂

As the others have said you were doing everything right last night .. 🙂

Bev really pleased to hear Alex is better this morning.

I have badly over compensated a hypo before and ended up in the 20's! Sometimes (and Im sure DSNs are off to the gun cupboard to shoot me for saying this) but I think on the side of safety I prefer to over compensate, especially at night. I would imagine you treating A's hypos are a similar mind-set to me treating my nightime ones whereby I live alone, I prefer to go ver than under again. All in all, very glad to hear he is ok.

It was just a thought, (I expect you are a diary filler already?!) but making a note of that time of trampolining and carbs and pre and post BG's will be really useful to you when you start pumping in the coming days (Im excited for you just writing it!).

Hope you and the family are out enjoyign this beautiful sunshine today!
Love lou xx
Hi Sugarbum,

All the boys are on the trampolene again! A has had a cereal bar and will test in half an hour.
I do keep a log book - but this week i have been writing down everything that happens as i thought it would help with the pump start.
To be honest, i do keep a lot of this information in my head and seem to just trust my instinct about things - but yesterday i had thought i had done most things right - less dose for lunch as he was in the river - then a snack and lots of testing - but you just never know how long it takes for the exercise or excitement to kick in do you?

Speaking of which - he has just come in on 2.7mmls and that is after a cereal bar 10 minutes ago!😱Bev

If you wanted I could send you the diary that I was issued with for my carb counting course, well, the electronic version that is. It's got columns for pre meal blood sugars, bloods two hours after a meal, the carbs in a meal, your insulin to carbs ratio, meals, correction doses and the formula for working those out. Bear in mind for the last of those that you'll have to ask your DSN to work it out for you as I haven't got a clue how to do that. I find it's quite helpful as I can conveniently write down all my insulin doses without having to fire up my laptop to put them onto the spreadsheets that I also use.

Hi Bev ..

Please keep us posted how A is getting on ... 2.7 ... 😱

Have you given A any hypostop or coke

Oh dear Bev hope A is soon OK 😱

He seems extremely active( agood thing!), just wondering if might be worth looking at his basal, I know he will be pumping soon but all these hypos will be making him feel yuck.

I have been changing my basal like so much at the moment, with the weather changing so much i think?? Its up and down like a fiddlers elbow:D:D
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