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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i got told last christmas that i was type 2 diabetic, i thought i would be ok and start the diet i needed to be on, but it has not worked i seem to have gone off the rails and i need help to get myself back on track, i know im eating the wrong things, and i have the books to make a good diet but to be honest i need some help in advising me what to stay away from and what to eat, i would be grateful for any help i can get to get me back on track, as i feel i will start to get depressed trying to sort it out myself, it takes a lot for me to ask for help, so if any one can help i would be grateful thanks x
The diet for me always statrts tomorrow. The trick is to change habits. If you know you eat chocolate while using the computer take a break when you start to feel peckish or have a bowl of fruit nearby or some cut up celery and carrott. Take one day at a time and set small goals that are achievable. Then you will feel more encouraged. Rewards are good, so for every day you have been good have a small treat or save up for a new DVD or CD or new outfit.

If you have problems doing it on your own join a weight loss group or talk to you GP who wcould refer you to a dietician. Sometimes the practice nurse at your doctors surgery will monitor your weight loss.

Look for the thread started by Worzel Gummidge too.

Also be kind to yourself, things take time, and sometimes it takes a while to see results. You can do it, have confidence in yourself. We are all here to help, so visit this site and we can help each other...
I found invaluable when I was first diagnosed. They have loads of advice on what you can eat and small changes you can make to your diet. They also have a virtual shop. I agree with Caroline also - I went to see a dietician after keeping a food diary for a week and that also helped. Its hard I know especially at this time of year but I find exercise always helps too - it makes me feel better knowing that if I do have something naughty I can exercise it off! Don't think of it as a diet either - more like 'healthy eating for life'. Good luck!
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