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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm a newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetic, just after some advice really regarding my health over the last few days.

Started with a migraine with vomitting 4 days ago that has cleared slightly- still headache no vomitting today. Now Ive had diarrhoea today, Im struggling to hold even water and I'm worring that I should be eating. Also I haven't taken my metformin for 2 days as I cant eat. I'm stuck, should I just take my metformin or wait until I can start eating properly?
Any advice would be much appreciated, also this is my first ever post so hope it displays properly x
not type 2, but I would assume you would keep taking the meds........

if ill, your body will pump more glucose into the blood to fight off the illness, so you still need the insulin you are making to be at full strength.....

Some one will be along with more experience I would imagine.....

Hope you feel better soon........
Hi Yvette a warm welcome to the forum, unfortunetly the metformin can cause all what you have described many of us had to wait 2-4 weeks before it calmed down, if it continues for a significant amount of time longer then that id see the doctor hun.I think advising you on weather to take the met or not aint my place personally but if it was me id still take it hun
How long have you been taking the metformin? An upset tummy is one of the side effects in the early days with metformin.

There are also a lot of tummy bugs going round too. Try and keep up fluids and have a light meal to take metformin with (a slice of toast or some fruit) to lessen the side effects.

If you are feeling realy poorly get medical advice, see your doctor or give NHS Dierct a call.

I hope you feel better.
Yikes! Sounds horrible, poor you :(

Sure some T2s will be along soon to offer advice. I'd suggest plenty of fluids and to keep testing your blood glucose levels (if you have a meter).

This is from the DUK site and suggests yuou should carry on taking meds.

Keep taking your insulin or diabetes medications even if you are not eating. Remember, your blood glucose level naturally goes up during illness and you need your insulin or other diabetes medications to keep it under control.

You may need to increase your dose of these. Your tests will show you if this is necessary. Contact your GP or a member of your diabetes care team if you are in any way unsure what to do about your insulin or medication dose.

Hope you feel better soon. Get to your GP or call NHS Direct if you can't keep anything down for any length of time.

Thank you,
I did read the side effects that metformin can cause sickness, it could be that or it could simply just be a 'stomach bug' (probably picked up from work) and I'm worrying too much because I'm now diabetic. Infact I worry about all sorts of things that I wouldnt have worried about before I was diagnosed, maybe because its all so new, and scary!
I'm going to try dry toast and metformin and see how I get on x
Thank you,
I did read the side effects that metformin can cause sickness, it could be that or it could simply just be a 'stomach bug' (probably picked up from work) and I'm worrying too much because I'm now diabetic. Infact I worry about all sorts of things that I wouldnt have worried about before I was diagnosed, maybe because its all so new, and scary!
I'm going to try dry toast and metformin and see how I get on x

Good idea, at least try and get a small amount in you better then nothing x
Thank you,
I did read the side effects that metformin can cause sickness, it could be that or it could simply just be a 'stomach bug' (probably picked up from work) and I'm worrying too much because I'm now diabetic. Infact I worry about all sorts of things that I wouldnt have worried about before I was diagnosed, maybe because its all so new, and scary!
I'm going to try dry toast and metformin and see how I get on x

When we are first diagnosed we tend to worry more. As we get the hang of things we still notice changes, but we also get to know what we need to do to help put things right. It can be very scary, but I have found this forum has allayed my fears and there is always someone around who will be able to help.

There are a number of tummy bugs doing the rounds, so it will probably clear in a day or two. I hope it clears up for you pretty soon.
Hi I have only been poorly once this diagnosis in June that needed me to speak to GP - and I was surprised at how helpful they were. The first thing they said was that I had to test more and to let them know if have 2 tests over 10. Up until then I had never been prescribed strips but apparently if ill its different.

Not sure if you test, but it may be just a call to GP for some advice. Mine calls back if leave a note. Not sure if yours do the same, but at least then you can stop worrying.

Oh and welcome to the forum.

Thanks to everyone,
Ive been having a good nose round and everyone seems really nice and helpful. Definately feel better knowing there are people out there I can relate to. Going to get some toast and some rest Im supposed to be back at work tomorrow!
I'll be back on later, and thanks again for everyones support!
Hello Yvette, welcome to the forum.

I won't add anything to what has already been said other than to say that I hope the sickness and diarrhoea (I can never spell that word straight off!) clear up quickly.

Andy 🙂
Hi Yvette,

just wanted to say hello and welcome to the forum 🙂 I live in north end of Stafford, so if you want a chat anytime just PM me and maybe we could meet up and exchange notes!!

Take care

lv Shirl x
Hi Yvette, welcome to the forum, hope you feel loads better soon. Don't struggle on your own over the weekend if you still feel ill, get some advice from out of hours care.
Hi Yvette welcome, like everybody else says dont leave it to get some advice. Call the Doctors. Hope you feel better soon.
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