HELP - Worried about my feet

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
In the last few hours I have noticed a tingling sensation in both my feet - similar to a dull pins and needles - is this something I should worry about?

They are also slightly numb but not completely

I am pretty new to diabetes so am obviously thing the worst :(
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I get that too, a lot of us do. It's maybe your body adjusting to the lack of sugar. Your DSN should do a sensitivity test on your feet to see if there's anything to worry about. I had mine two weeks back and it was fine. If you haven't had yours done yet, it may be worth asking your doctor about it. You should tell them about the pins and needles anyway.
Hi Alison

thanks for you posts - I had a sensitivity test about 3 weeks ago and it was fine

this has just come on this afternoon and is worrying me a bit as im thinking the worst about everything at the mo :(
Hiya bob , you sound like me glass half empty kinda person, i know a few in here have had feet issues i occasionly get the odd tingle in my little toes but nothing that worries me , but i would reiterrate what alison said go and get yourself a sensitivity test on your feet

good luck xx
thanx for the post im worryimng at just about everything at the mo but i know how serious it can be :(
could your feet be cold? ive been having tingly feelings and slight numbness, because they are cold and my circulation isn't the best!
Hi Bob, it is worrying when you are new to things and not sure what is going on.

Agree to getting feet checked. If your feet are cold they will feel tingly and a little numb. if they are cold, it is worth wearing a couple of pairs of thin socks rather than one thick pair. I also find when I need new shoes or slippers I get all kinds of problems with my feet. My shoes I get from cosyfeet, but they are expensive.

Hope your feet deel more comfortable soon.
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