Help with TEE2+ settings

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good morning, I have a Tee2+ BG tester on which I'm struggling to sort out the settings.

My grandson paired it to my phone yesterday; since then, it's changed all the manual input I've been doing on my phone. Being an oldie I'm not too up on technology, I've just spent the last hour searching and I think I've found what might be the problem in the BG settings.

These are the figures it is set to...... Target Range is, 80 - 180 and Hypo is set to 70. These can't be right but I have no idea what they should be, any help appreciated.
Good morning, I have a Tee2+ BG tester on which I'm struggling to sort out the settings.

My grandson paired it to my phone yesterday; since then, it's changed all the manual input I've been doing on my phone. Being an oldie I'm not too up on technology, I've just spent the last hour searching and I think I've found what might be the problem in the BG settings.

These are the figures it is set to...... Target Range is, 80 - 180 and Hypo is set to 70. These can't be right but I have no idea what they should be, any help appreciated.
It looks as if your setting is in mg/dl (used in other countries) not mmol/l which is what we use in the UK so you need to change it
It looks as if your setting is in mg/dl (used in other countries) not mmol/l which is what we use in the UK so you need to change it
Thank you very much for that @Leadinglights it now works fine
It also now appears I've been in hypo 15 times since being diagnosed in May and I didn't know it.
As a follow-on to my OP can anyone tell me what my target range should be set to, it's now 4.4 to 10.0 and the hypo level is set at 3.9 Thank you.
3.9 to 10.0 is the normal target range
Thank you @Lucyr that's just what I needed.
The Diabetes UK site does say if you’re only testing before meals and at 2hrs after then to aim for 8.5 maximum if T2 and not on insulin. But the standard range for T1s is 3.9-10 and if you’re new to things that’s a perfect starting point. Can always tighten up targets if 10 gets too easy.
Thank you again @Lucyr I'm only testing at waking and at bedtime following the instruction from my Diabetes Nurse.
I have noted on the forum that many members are doing it several times a day, I will question this when I speak with my nurse on Thursday.
At least now, thanks to your help, I have the right information to work with.
Thank you again @Lucyr I'm only testing at waking and at bedtime following the instruction from my Diabetes Nurse.
I have noted on the forum that many members are doing it several times a day, I will question this when I speak with my nurse on Thursday.
At least now, thanks to your help, I have the right information to work with.
Many do test in order to find what foods and meals they can tolerate by testing before they eat and after 2 hours trying to keep no more than a 2-3mmol/l rise from the meal and as levels come down then a post meal of no more than 8.5mmol/l.
This allows better food choices and adjustment of portion size. As you are on quite a bit of medication then it is a good idea to test if you feel unwell and testing in the morning allows keeping track on day to day or week to week progress.
Many do test in order to find what foods and meals they can tolerate by testing before they eat and after 2 hours trying to keep no more than a 2-3mmol/l rise from the meal and as levels come down then a post meal of no more than 8.5mmol/l.
This allows better food choices and adjustment of portion size. As you are on quite a bit of medication then it is a good idea to test if you feel unwell and testing in the morning allows keeping track on day to day or week to week progress.
I'm interested to read this thread because I am T2 and would like to purchase a Tee2+ tester but cannot find one anywhere on the internet. Do you have to get it prescribed through your doctor?
I was trying to buy a second/spare tee2+ meter and couldn't even get one on spirits shop.
I emailed the other day to ask about supply and if/when I hear back I will post.
The TEE2 seems to be out of stock on Amazon but they do have the GlucoNavii which was one with the cheapest strips.
The Codefree SD is the one I have and the strips are not too expensive for that.
It is the strip cost that is worth considering when buying a monitor.
Just had a phonecall from spirit and they are sending me out a new/spare meter.

They said that they have stock but are just keeping an eye on it due to shipping disruptions and you can contact spirit directly if you are struggling to get one but they will be back in stock for purchase soon.

*edit I phoned them and got a callback right away vs waiting for email response 😉
My Tee2+ was free from my doctor along with all the strips and lancets, and the strips and lancets are on repeat prescription too.
Just thought I would add this in case people hadn't approached the doctor and asked the question.
My Tee2+ was free from my doctor along with all the strips and lancets, and the strips and lancets are on repeat prescription too.
Just thought I would add this in case people hadn't approached the doctor and asked the question.
My goodness you are lucky, many doctors won't prescribe to Type 2 only on metformin or just dietary managed so they have to self fund.
I got mine on only metformin to help me do food testing (with strips on script too)
of course stuff changed since then and went down the gliclazide route and onto insulin but did have a brilliant nurse who saw the benefit of trying to eat to my meter 🙂
My goodness you are lucky, many doctors won't prescribe to Type 2 only on metformin or just dietary managed so they have to self fund.
And I didn't have to ask, she just offered it to me - I was on Metformin to start with though.
Not all Type 2 get from GP and even if you do they can stop prescribing strips if you are not on hypo causing medication, I know as my strips stopped when I stopped Gliclizide. I also was only limited 50 a month. So always self funded extra.
You are lucky to get prescribed as Metformin is not a hypo causing medication.
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