Help with research study - time and travel expenses reimbursed!

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George D.

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello everyone!

We are a research team from the University of Southampton developing an intervention to help people due to have cardiac surgery better manage their diabetes.

To run the study successfully, we would like to hear the views of people who have diabetes and/or have had cardiac surgery or their carers.

We host regular meetings at University Hospital Southampton where we discuss the study and we would like to invite you to join one of our meetings!

Your time and travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Would you like to help and become a member of our team? If so, I look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,
Giorgos Dritsakis
Clinical Trial Manager


Hi all!

Our next study meeting will be on Thursday 11th July at University Hospital Southampton and is open for anyone interested to join.

Great opportunity to share your views and help diabetes management!

You can reply here or email me in

Many thanks!
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