Help with fatty foods please ! I had some Brasil.nuts..then two bits of small sourdough

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Upset Racoon

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Bread about an hour later ( about 33g of carbs ) . It started at 9 then I found it had climbed to 15! Help.. I try to eat healthy but time and time again I seem to always get it wrong!! I dosed 7 units for the sourdough breakfast

The Brasil nuts are only 3 g of carbs ..I had the 28 g recommend daily nuts

So confused and feel it's more hassle to eat fatty foods , well
I was only trying to be healthy ..rather than eat the 110g of carbs after my breakfast ( chocolate bars and biscuits etc ) and I would obviously be guessing how much I needed so hours later when hoping to do some exercise, it started to come down and needed to eat so had to miss out on exercises makes me feel absolutely awful


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Did you check the 15 with a fingerprick? When my Libre said 15, I was usually around 11. The Libre is less accurate at higher numbers.

If you were, say, 11.5, you’d only have gone up 2.5 and that’s ok.

How far in advance of your bread did you inject your bolus insulin?
Hi, thank you for your reply 🙂 after a correction of one unit plus another two about an hour later ...and ice had a 8g carb cappuccino still says 12.2 ( it said this on the libre and when I tested it manually as well) and Im pretty sure it went to 15 too '(

Should I have spilt the dose..very very confusing ...way too confusing ...and with the sourdough breakfast I had mayonnaise ..again that making the meal 'fatty'? '( Ive also been having on a off neuropathy ..great
Did you check the 15 with a fingerprick? When my Libre said 15, I was usually around 11. The Libre is less accurate at higher numbers.

If you were, say, 11.5, you’d only have gone up 2.5 and that’s ok.

How far in advance of your bread did you inject your bolus insulin?
Oops sorry forgot to answer your question! I usually wait 10 mins after injecting to eat 🙂 and have done today too as normal
It might also be that your basal insulin is not holding you steady, so that might be adding to the increase in levels in the afternoon.

When you say breakfast, what time was it when you had the sourdough bread because the rise on your graph appears to start about 1pm. No judgement on you having a lie in and perhaps you are a shift worker, but just trying to understand the graph.

Also if your levels are high, your insulin will be less effective and if you keep adding extra carbs like the cappucino whilst your levels are high, then they will be more difficult to bring down. Usually we need a larger correction factor once levels are above 10.... is it takes more insulin to drop our levels than it does when levels are below 10, so for instance 1 unit might drop me 3mmols below 10 but 1 unit might only drop me 1.5mmols when my levels are above 10.
Also, injecting just 10 mins before breakfast is not long enough for most people and especially when your levels are already above range before you started eating. In order not to spike I would probably need to wait an hour between injecting and eating bread at breakfast time with Novo(not so)Rapid 🙄 , particularly if my starting BG was 9. You might be more responsive to it than me but you definitely need to experiment with slowly increasing your prebolus timing by a few minutes every day ideally with the same breakfast so that you find the sweet spot timing for you and NovoRapid. It might be just 20 mins for you or 25 or 30, but I know for me it would be at least an hour in that situation, which is why I changed to a faster acting insulin.
Oops sorry forgot to answer your question! I usually wait 10 mins after injecting to eat 🙂 and have done today too as normal

Ok. You might need to wait a little longer. That gives the insulin a chance to get going and reduce the spike. If you move your injection 5 mins earlier for a few days, then another 5 mins, etc, you should find what works best for you.
Hi , thank you for your great very informative answers ! Sorry I take a while to reply usually ...but really feel I need help and guidance otherwise literally have no clue ..
I am currently on 17 basal which is quite an increase as just a few months ago I was on 12...I have had diabetes for just over three years now .
That's a good question ..glad you asked..I actually don't get up usually until 12 or later recently, so that is the reason for the apparent 'late' breakfast ..I have done that ..for months and months ...
I suppose I have forgotten about things like waiting ..I thought 10 mins was enough ..but maybe not least not for breakfast ?? I also feel very confused about fatty food..say..if you wanted peanut buttter on toast...? I could see waiting that extra length of time possibly increasing chances of a hypo ? I have it in my head that ratio is 1:7 least in the evening ?? seems sometimes I dose ..and yet by blood hardly moves ...almost as if there is unused / excess insulin in my I
Body ?? Or it doesn't seem to 'awaken' until.I eat something. I will gives todays chart as an example 🙂

I again , had a very late breakfast ...two low carb llb wraps..about 28g in total.. with pesto..cream cheese .lettuce . Cheddar..spring onion ...and half a small avocado
I would consider that fatty
.right ? Really dislike splitting the dose .I already can't work it out..I don't need to do even more complex sums :( so in my head I thought I would try 1.65 ratio..i injected 6 units and about an hour later planned on giving myself two extra units ? I know that would lower the first suggested 6.5 ratio...I had a coffee today . .( Its a big part of the day sometimes so ..) had two units for that ..then about an hour and a bit after the first dosage for the lunch ..had one instead of you can see it's just been pretty stable ...I also ate a biscuit about 40 mins after the coffee as was worried I had over injected. I put a correction unit of one in about an hour ago now ( it's now 20:16) and have just dosed 7 units for tonight's dinner which are..vegetables ..tofu..and 5 falafels ..and maybe some seasoning ..not sure about those carbs . And 7 units for that is apparently you think it could be a bit of resistance going on maybe ..hmm
Thank you very much for helping 🙂
I don’t bother splitting the dose for something like avocados and cream cheese, and definitely not for peanut butter on toast. Keep it simple 🙂 Its only very fatty meals, not all fats.
Hi 🙂 oh thank you for saying that's reassuring actually..I guessed I just noticed that sometimes after the 2 hour mark or even one hour it would reach 10 or above and ..confuse matters
You wouldn't consider say..2 teaspoons of mayo to be fatty would you !?/ And split the dose ?
Don't know if you have had a look at todays chart ( if you fancy it !) Why do you think it seems too straight / stable until maybe hours later it may come down telling me I did something wrong
Nope, I wouldn’t split the dose for mayo or butter or oily fish or whatever. It’s hard to judge your graph without knowing the times you ate, but it looks pretty stable to me. No massive peaks or troughs.
Hi again 🙂

More questions...I feel I am slowly taking in all this really valuable information ..but so easily feel lost and doubt If Im.getting very far
For example..if I dose an amount ..and the level starts at a point, moves very little to nothing atall ..does that mean in fact maybe I've put to much in and it will go too low..that's how it feels sometimes
I'm trying to .... understand how to have porridge ! I would like to hit bother splitting with that ..makes it much harder ...I have 40g of steel cut oats porridge and apparently it's 27.9g if carbs . Does a ratio of 1;7 seem...normal ..then I add an extra two incase it's say 9 to begin with . ..I want to be able to dose and take away two units and know roughly what the level will be so I can do some exercise. I haven't been able to for ages . iTs too hard .
Also I now wait 15-20 mins ..seems to waiting over 20 mins generally not q good idea ? Afrer searching online it seems to be the guidline to be 15- 20 mins
I remember asking the consultant if if I made incorrect basal calculations much earlier in the day, could it catch up with me hours later ?.he said it depends ...
The prebolus time is individual. For me with Novorapid at breakfast time, I was having to wait 75 mins between injecting and eating to prevent my levels spiking. Now I have Fiasp and it is just about 45mins most mornings which is still a very long time but it works for me. Other people would hypo in half that time. At other times of day I just need between 0 and 20 mins depending upon what I am going to eat and what my BG levels are when I am about to inject. I will need longer if they are high and can eat straight away if they are in the 4s. If you get the timing right then you hardly get any increase in BG at all and it is the timing which flattens out or stops the spike. If you go too low later then you had too much insulin.
I remember asking the consultant if if I made incorrect basal calculations much earlier in the day, could it catch up with me hours later ?.he said it depends ...
Do you mean bolus calculations. There aren't really any basal insulin calculations. Basal is your long acting insulin.
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