Help with choice of pump please

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My son who is in his 40's has been given a choice of pumps one is the Tandem Tslim theother is the Medtronic 780 hi is concerned with the Medtronic it will cost him a fortune in batteries every week is any one on.either on one of these pumps can you please let me know how you are getting on with them
Many thanks
Christine H
I am on the 780. The batteries come as part of the consumables. They also last for ages. I do like that it is a normal AA battery so on the occasions when mine needed changing and I had forgotten to put one in my goodie bag, at least I could just go and buy one. When we were away recently we went into a museum and asked where the nearest shop was that would sell batteries, they just produced one for me and gave me a spare.

I have used this pump for nearly three years now. It took a bit of getting used to at first simply because it was a change from my old reliable Combo. However I am now more familiar with it and also using it in a hybrid closed loop, by self funding the sensors. Loving that and finding that I often have a TIR of over 90% and have to do far less to achieve that.

If you have any other questions, come back to me.
Thank you so much I will let my son Philip Know is there any way he can contact you please
Batteries last a month in your pump. I believe Medtronic pumps can use rechargeable batteries as well.
Personally I refuse to have Medtronic or any other firm supply the batteries as they charge the NHS about 10 times more than you can buy them yourself over the counter.
Hello @christine.h , could you encourage your son to join this forum himself? There is so much information here, not least on pumping and the Medtrom 780 in this particular part of the forum. It's all free, so great value and far preferable to Internet searches where, often, whoever shouts loudest dominates.
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