Help with celiac test and blood sugar

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello I need alot of help. I'm getting a test to see if I have celiac. I have IBS I've stopped eating gluten for 8-9 years. But I must eat gluten I'm afraid.

I'm prediabetic and I'm worried about the blood spikes plus the pain if eating gluten.

Any advice would be great. I'm supposed to start eating gluten today. The doctor said I need to eat gluten for a week to show something on the tests. But I'm afraid. Any help would be great. Thank you.
You need to eat gluten for at least 6 weeks @a-aminamorbid Confirmation here:

If you don’t, the test will be a waste of time as it won’t pick up anything.

Your other alternative is to not have the test and just continue to avoid gluten. I’d discuss your concerns with your GP.
You need to eat gluten for at least 6 weeks @a-aminamorbid Confirmation here:

If you don’t, the test will be a waste of time as it won’t pick up anything.

Your other alternative is to not have the test and just continue to avoid gluten. I’d discuss your concerns with your GP.

Hello thank you for replying i really do appreciate it. i cannot believe how long it took me to respond my apologises. Yes you are right i did the test and it came back negative so i have to do it again my dumbass got trested while i was still doing gluten free. i attempted the 6 week gluten challenge and i'm sick like a dog. i appreciate this information and i'm going to back to the doctor with it and figure out what to do next. Thank you
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