help with 'all you can eat'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
We are going to a restaurant tonight for Hannah's 18th birthday. It is an all you can eat type thing and we havent a clue how to bolus for food - i have looked for nutrition sheets but they dont do any!

I am thinking a square wave might be able to cope? Any thoughts on this? We have only ever used a dual wave so far.

This is the restaurant and they have so many things to choose from - phew!😱🙂Bev
If it were me I would take a bit at the beginning, see how much I eat and eastimate carbs and then take more at the end if needed. So however this works on a pump!
If it were me I would take a bit at the beginning, see how much I eat and eastimate carbs and then take more at the end if needed. So however this works on a pump!

What she said! Can you enter the carbs as he eats them and the pump work out 'on-board' insulin + new insulin required?

Happy Birthday Hannah!:D
I hope you enjoy the meal. In some places the low carb options can be fun too.
I looked at the link, looks like a really nice place!

OMG what a nightmare! I just wrote a reply and then deleted it as I changed my mind several times on what I would do!

From what I can tell of the menu (which like you say, doesnt allow much insight) I would do a small initial bolus. I think rice will be the problem in a "eat all you like" scenario. Im torn as to suggesting a DW if thats what you normally do for rice, or saying a test later and correctional dose which I know isnt ideal. Reason being, I think a bolus will defo be necessary for the pudding(s!) for the faster high.

What I like about pumping is bolusing according to the courses I have but I understand for A you dont want him to feel he is being watched like a hawk. If I have a pizza, I DW then I bolus in the middle of it if I have a desert and that works fine for me. Have you been trying that at all? I wonder if that is the solution here? I expect Patricia or Adrienne have tried and tested this kind of eating out scenario!

I personally have never found the square alone sufficient for anything really, and in all fairness I would say Ive given it a fair shot. The other thing I would suggest thinking of is a small increase in temp basal, but it wont show in your insulin on board in the wizzard if you are monitoring into the later hours.

So, in short, I would DW (not a massive one, there is scope for adding up errors!) and bolus again on top. But that doesnt mean to say at all that I am right!!!!🙂

Right, I am going to press 'quick reply' before I change my mind AGAIN!

Good luck Bev, and Happy Birthday to hannah! 🙂
I went to a Chinese Banquet on Monday night. The first thing I did was aim to be around mid 4s to 5 when I got to the restaurant so that I had plenty of room for my BG to spike, so I did a small correction about 2 hours in advance, then I jabbed 4 units up front and then 3-4 units each time my high alarm went off (set at 9.2) which was twice and then a slight correction of another couple of units when I got home. I tend to bolus from my Libre now rather than try to calculate carbs and that works out pretty well for me. I got a double peak which topped out at 11.1 so it was a resounding success in my opinion. I can't advise on pump options because I don't have one but definitely split dose at the least for something like that.
Good luck and hope Hannah has a great Birthday!.
Err = thread is over 13 years old!!

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